

by Guest67135  |  earlier

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When I first had this 1997 Mitsubishi Galant ES the ac worked fine but after a few months the air just died down, then I put freon in it and it started blowing cold again but eventually blew hot again. I wasn't aware about ac leakings back then, But then I tried to put freon in it again but the car would not take it (like it was full or something) now i don't know what to do, I hear the compressor making a annoying noise when I turn it on but no air. Anybody with any information to fix this problem please help because It's hot in south florida.




  1. You will have to take it to a shop now. sounds like your compressor is dying too. probably a lot of pressure build up because it was running with no oil or refrigerant. it usually leaks through a bad valve.  

  2. First of all, that car doesn't use freon. As far as not being able to put freon into the system, you may probably have a bad shrader valve. Get it to a shop and have a professional use an ac machine, fix the schrader valves, and put in the proper amount of ounces of refrigerant in the system, not freon. The oils are not compatible either.

  3. Leak in the system perhaps. Have someone put dye in the system to make sure. Other than that a component in the system may have failed. Amen!! Refrigerant not Freon. R134a. I'm glad someone knows what they are talking about.

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