
CAR HELP? i need to find...?

by  |  earlier

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It has to be at least 6,000$ OR LESS its my first car and the type i like are jetta's I reallllyyy like ford focus's and chevy malibu's.

I HAVE ALREADY LOOKED ON SITES.. but will you help me find one? thanks




  1. do a local ebay search

    then check price and mait reports on

  2. Depends what you're looking for.  Do you want something that's reliable and inexpensive but doesn't necessarily look special? Or something that's good on gas?  

    Either way, I'd avoid a Jetta.  They're notorious for having problems.  They're fun cars but just not reliable.  You'll be sticking more money in it for repairs that most other cars.  Same thing with the Malibus (older one's you'd be able to get for $6000, not the new ones).  They've been known to be unreliable too.  

    You may want to look at a used Honda Civic.  Great gas mileage and they practically run forever with little maintenance.  Or try a Ford Taurus.  Not the most stylish cars, but you can get a lot for what you pay and they're fairly reliable themselves. And if they do need repairs, it's relatively cheap versus a imported car.

  3. Jettas are really good cars and so are Chevys......never buy a Ford...I only hear horror stories about them! They must be poorly made because something always goes wrong with them (some major problems, some minor).

  4. Sunday newspaper classified or AutoTrader booklets, free at many stores, esp. Wal-Mart.


  6. >>>  least 6,000$ OR LESS

    Which is it?  LEAST or LESS?

    Least $6000 means more than $6000

    Less mean less..

    good Luck...

  7. i don't have a car for you but I do have some advice.  Talk to people you know to help you find a car not strangers here.  Pick up your local newspaper and look at the classified.  there are still a lot of people don't use the internet to sell thier cars.

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