I need to know how much it would be to cancel my Farmers car insurance ? I had just bought a new car and the dealership told me I was covered under my mom's insurance. I also paid for GAP insurance as well. 2 weeks later, I was in a pile up on a highway involving 3 cars, I was the second car and I was found at fault. Come to find out, I was not covered under my moms and had no insurance. After the wreck, I bought Farmers. The total cost to fix my car is about $5,000 and they sent my about $400. The place where I bought my car is refusing to pay anything even though they told me I was covered. My insurance agent even had to tell them over the phone that I was not covered, they didn't see why not. Now I am stuck with a $500 car payment each month and a $200 insurance bill. I can't save up any money to get my car fixed since 90% of my checks go into gas for my old Astro van that I have to drive and my bills. My car won't run so it is just sitting there. Please help ! How much would it be?