
CAR TROUBLE. Read on, and tell me what you think...?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving on a 50mph road, following a slow-moving vehicle, so I decided to overtake, but as soon as I got to the same position as the slow-moving vehicle, it sped up as I had indicated and was moving back in in front of him, and my left wing mirror broke! :(

Afterwards, he was beeping at me furiously as if it was my fault...although I cannot see how, nor can my sister who was in the passenger seat at the time!

Now I'm scared he will report me to the police...

What do you think?

:(:(:(:(:(:( I'm scared!




  1. I live in America, and we drive on the right, so a broken right side mirror would be more likely, along with a very frightened passsenger if you tried to move into the same space that another vehicle was in at the time.

    I think that the other vehicle didn't want you to pass, and you didn't make sure there was enough space between you to safely finish passing, and should have backed off.

    Generally if you crash into another vehicle, it's your fault if they were just going along following the rules and then you did something different.

    Where I'm from it's considered hit-and-run driving, a very serious crime, what with "road rage" laws and such.

  2. Forgive me for my ignorance, but I would think that it would be the mirror on the right that would have broken and why would the slow moving vehicle driver be mad if it was your mirror that broke and if he does report it all you have to do is tell the truth

  3. I would suggest that you report this to the police and tell them just what happened before the other drive does and maybe changes the story.

  4. I agree, this is a tough one to call.  I have seen this behavior before in drivers.  They are driving under the speed limit, but when you attempt to pass, they speed up and a race is on.  My Dad encountered this during a trip across the middle of nowhere Texas.  Dad was doing the speed limit and moved to left lane to pass a driver.  Driver was under speed limit.  When Dad was even, the other driver increased his speed.  And the race was on.  Soon Dad has his car up to 100 mph just to pass this jerk.  As soon as the pass was made, the idiot backed his speed down, presumably back to the same under the speed limit he was traveling before.  My Dad is still mad at the stupidity of that idiot driver.

    Most likely the guy did not get your license plate number.  When someone is that angry, the emotions get it the way of rational thinking.  There is a very small window of time and distance that a license plate is readable.

    IF the police do pay you a visit, you and your sister can both report the other driver sped up and prevented you from passing.  They should understand where you are coming from.  But, you as the passing driver, must be certain that the pass is made safely.  

    Good Luck

  5. This is a tough one...When one passing another vehicle, the passing vehicle must be able to pass and get back into the correct lane quickly - in 5 to 7 seconds -, smoothly and without making the passed vehicle maneuver to avoid collision.

    In your case, there is no way to prove that the passed vehicle accelerated to keep you from passing...Remember that the correct time to move back in front of a passed vehicle is when his whole front grille can be seen in the rear view mirror (and it should be getting smaller since it would be falling farther behind you)...Unless the other driver got your license number, there would be nothing to report...I would talk with the police and tell them what happened, but since you don't know what the other vehicle was chances are they are not going to be able to do much with it...Ask them if you can at least file a report with them so that if the other party steps up, there won't be any surprises...The cost of your insurance deductable should cover the cost of fixing the mirror, so I would not involve the insurance company.

    All the best

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