
CAR accident. they hit and run i dont have insurance!!?

by Guest32777  |  earlier

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I had my 2008 accord sitting outside my friends house and it got hit and run, sumone sideswipped it and the lady behind him followed am and got their plate number then came gave it to me and made a report at the police station, THEN i went and made a report 2 min after her. The cops took pics of my car and they had caught him , he was a drunk driver so hit and run while he was a drunk driver.

I got the copy of the report with his insurance, but i dont have any, can i still get a estimate for my car and then contact his insurance?? will they pay

I know i should have had insurance on it but it got cut off like 2 weeks ago and i was waiting for my next paycheck to get it restarted like in a week. BUt does that even matter the car was parked when he hit it and hes drunk and the lady reported having witnessed it!!! PLease help im so scared my first time, I live in vt




  1. YOu are not the only one,I have ever met the similiar problem before.I have good experience here though.

  2. It is my belief that if you car is sitting on public roads then it should be insured or it should not be there.

    However, laws might be different in vt..

  3. Well Salina you are in a tough spot. It is important you check out your state's Motor Vehicle/ Insurance laws.  If you have a car registered and the car has license plates on it, I know NY state laws require insurance. If you are financing or leasing that car from a bank, you must have insurance!  

    That being said, given your situation have to:

    Go after the insurance company of the person who hit you. If his company refuses to pay you... Which they might do until you prove it. This is one of the functions an insurance company does for you, in additional to paying for "no fault" damages made to your vehicle.

    Research the laws in your state (VT?) about motor vehicle insurance requirements (I think the laws are far less strict than NY). Pursue the hit and run person's insurance company (but don't expect them to just write you a check).  You can also look to seek restitution from the person who hit you.  In NY you can do this if you file a complaint with the District Attorney's Office that is prosecuting the individual, assuming he was arrested AND CHARGED.

    *NOTE* If the laws in VT are like NY, you could have to face the music for being registered and UNINSURED even for as little as one week, and the tables could be turned on you.  (Technically your vehicle was in an UNINSURED ACCIDENT, an offense in NY that is only a violation, not a crime, but it could to haunt you resulting in a suspension not jail time.)

    My advice if the damages are too great to pay yourself, then pursue pursue pursue and make the "Drunk" pay for it!!!!

    F.Y.I. If the person who hit you, like yourself didn't have insurance at the time of the accident, the matter then  becomes a civil matter and you must sue for damages.  

    Good luck I hope it works out for you!

  4. The same thing happened to me in California. A drugged out person hit my parked car on the street. I was in the process of getting it regestered non-op and had let the insurance lapse two weeks.  I did talk to the police and was honest that my insurance was lapsed and they said that is ok and had me show them my insurance card. They said I showed in good faith that I was a regularly insured person and didnt  site me. I then paid my insurance just to be careful.

      Unfortunatly the person who hit me was uninsured and did not get arrested(he hit 4 parked cars and the police let him go!!!) . The insurance company of the car owner is refusing to pay damages and I will have to take the guy to small claims court to get damages. This seems too much work to do on a car that doesnt work so I may drop it.

    So my advice is first PAY YOUR INSURANCE, then be honest if you are in court . DO NOT tell the other guys insurance company  that your insurance has lapsed,tell them your new policy number(or old one if you can start it up again) the other guys insurance will eat you for dinner if they know you do not have an insurance company backing you up. If they tell you to have your insurance pay for damages and they will reimburse your company,tell them that you have a lawyer friend who will be contacting them shortly.

       My 1989 honda with a blown engine is expendable but I know it must hurt to have a new car senselessly messed up.

      Good luck,Lee

  5. You have to have insurance to drive there is no EXCUSE so hopefully they will think of something to do to you of course if you    had gotten it or not have driven then you would not have anything to worry about.

  6. Contact the other person's insurance company and report the loss.  They will complete their investigation.  They will pay for the damage if they determine their insured was legally liable for the damages.  

    You are lucky you do not live in a No Pay, No Play state.  

    It is possible that your lien holder knows that you do not have coverage on the vehicle.  A cancellation notice may have already been sent.  If this is the case, they may have purchased coverage to protect their interest.  This will cost you hugely.  It is not free coverage.

  7. well if you catch them they will have to pay but why are you not insured, in UK cars have to be insured to be on the road,

  8. OK calm down!  First of all, you are NOT AT Fault so yes, it is his insurance that will pay for it, you insurance (if and when you get it) will not be affected; it will be noted in such things as CarFax and such, but nothing happens to your insurance.  Even had you been driving, if you are not at fault, ou might have gotten in trouble had the police showed up and asked you insurance, you would have gotten a ticket!  Don't worry, his insurance will pay, not yours.

  9. first off - YOU NEED TO GET INSURANCE!

    on the other hand, if you can prove it was him and his insurance company agrees to it, then they'll pay - I had a guy hit my car and run and I turned it in to his insurance (I got his license plate number) - well he lied to his insurance and said he didnt do it, there was no damage to his truck but my car was scratched up pretty bad - well the insurance refused to pay, so i had to suffer

    i would say get a lawyer but the problem is, you dont have insurance

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