
CARBON COMPRESSION, for those of you who love science please answer!?

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Coal and diamonds and simply carbon compressed at an absurdely high level and heated to an immense temperature. We are worried about fossil fuels because we are using them faste than they are being made. Why can we not just press carbon together at high heat seen as there is a h**l of a lot of carbon on earth. I am aware that it would cost a ridiculous amount of money, but this is our earths energy we are talking about, and money is just a piece of paper...




  1. This is how I understand your question:

    Fossil fuels are fast being depleted. Why don't we just create our own fossil fuels by compressing any "new" carbon (e.g. lumber and leaves grown in present times) to make our own fuel?

    Answer: It will cost a ridiculous amount of money AND it will cost an even more ridiculous amount of energy. You should be aware the heating and, especially, compression consumes a lot of energy, and currently, we make use of (you got it!) fossil fuels in order to ultimately power the machines that do these processes.

    The pay off is negative. You use up more energy to gain less energy. Why bother doing it anyway?

  2. Sorry I don't get it. What exactly are you trying to achieve by compressing carbon?

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