
CAT FISH with worms on tail safe to eat ??????

by  |  earlier

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if i caught a 24 inch cat fish and it had these lil worms on the tail, that looked or resembled maggots is it safe to eat ???????? When i pour hot wate ron it it killed tehm and changed their color. It seemed to me they were eatingteh tail or something. If the worms were there just to eat parasites would the tail be free from looking like the worms were"eating " it?? plz help thx!!!




  1. It is likely that if the tail was damaged at all from the worms, then most likely their are other worms or worm eggs inside of the fish's body. I would really suggest you throwing that fish out. You don't want to wind up with parasites or their larve in your body. UG!

    I know it's annoying, that is a decent size cat, but at least you have the thrill of pulling something that big up.

  2. Why would you ever consider eating anything with worms hanging off of it.You should've just thrown it back and let it die,at least something would eat it then.

  3. First off, catfish are mud-sucking bottom feeders and unfit for consumption (unless farm raised, then they taste like chicken), and anything with parasites usually indicates a poor specimen, possibly too sick to ward off disease. Second, if the fish isn't already sick, the parasites might give it a disease that YOU will get. Finally, depending on where you caught it, the river/pond/lake could be contaminated, making the fish more unfit for consumption, since bottom feeders get the brunt of pollution and litter. Hopefully by the time you get this and all other answers, you have avoided eating the fish.

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