

by Guest33989  |  earlier

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i had a cat named panda and he was put down because he was sick. but my friend is obsessed with me (which is why i dont really like calling her my friend!!!) and she named her FEMALE cat panda after my dead one, a yr later when i had finally stopped thinking about my cat. now everytime she talks about HER panda, i cry and i dont know what to do!!! dont you think that panda should be a boys name anyways???




  1. I think Panda can be a boys name or a girls name.. It's a great name by the way.. You should talk to your friend about how you feel.. Either she should change the name of her cat or not talk about her in front of you.. If she can't understand how you're feeling, well then I don't think she's being a very good friend.. After all, if she was really obsessed with you and actually cared about you, she would help..

    Just try not to think about Panda too much if it makes you sad. Or, if it helps, you could do the exact opposite.. Try and think all about Panda and maybe it will make you feel happy about the times you had together.. And just remember, Panda is in a better place now, away from all the suffering, so be happy for him!

    Hope I helped!

    Good luck!

  2. it really doesn't matter which gender the cat is. it sounds like your "friend" isn't being very nice, though. you should tell her you really get sad when they talk about panda, because of your cat.

  3. no it can be both ways I think,anyways u tell youre friend to change the cats name cuz it makes u feel bad,and If she is so obssesed with you then she would do what u ask her if not tell her more about how u feel and it makes u cry,if she doesnt then shes no t a very good friend but ull get over the fact that ure cat died and maybe her cat can remind u the good stuff about your panda
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