
CATS. HOW LONG AFTER you have your cat spayed?

by  |  earlier

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can you let her out?

mine had it done Friday and wants to go out, can i let or wait few more days?




  1. wait at least a week or so just to make sure the sutures are completely healed cuz if they don't then they can get infected and then you will have to go back to the vet. that happened to my kitty  i got her fix and she started moving around to soon and her stitches came out and i had to take her back to the vet. Your better off just keeping her inside until they completely healed.  

  2. I never let my cats outside.  My parents will let the one cat out on a leash for about 20 minutes at a time.

    If you are going to let her run loose outside anyway, I suggest waiting at least until Friday.  That's major surgery.  She had someone poking around in her tummy area and cutting out organs.  Let her heal for at least a week.

  3. Are the sutures out or dissolved? I'd wait atleast a week.. Too much activity can rip those open or the area can become infected..not fun for you or your kitty.

  4. my vet said to wait until they fully heal (which is about a month).  he told me that even though my cat is an indoor cat.

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