
CAUCASIANS WHO ARE NATURALLY tanned, do they have any black ancestry in their roots?

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  1. no, i have native American ancestry which gives me a slightly darker pigment.

  2. It is weird in my family. Most of us are normal to fair, yet one person in each generation ( grampa, uncle and me) have darker skin tones. People think we are native.

    Even in the dead of winter I am darker than everyone else. Same with uncle and gramps!

    We don't have any black family members either. I like being the darker one though! Tan much faster too! :)

  3. Nope they don't have to.

    It's just pigmentation in the skin.

  4. not necessarily, People who come from the mediterranean area of the world have always been darker also

  5. Melanin isn't the exclusive genetic property of blacks.  Most people of every race have some, and generally, the hotter and sunnier the environment one's remote ancestors lived in, the more melanin that person has.

  6. Isn't there a common theory than mankind originated in Africa and therefore *everyone* is of African ancestry?

  7. First, "Caucasian" is misleading: not all "whites" come from the Caucasus.

    Secondly, any so-called race has variations in skin coloring: I have always been "dark-complexioned". My wife, on the other hand, a Filipina, is considered "light" (the dark-skinned Filipinos can be almost black!).

    So, I would say "No", but with the proviso that Liberals claim everyone came out of Africa and in his book, "Mapping Human History: Discovering the Past Through Our Genes", Steve Olson claims that everyone alive on earth today are descended from Nefertitit, Confucius and Julius Caesar, so that would mean "yes".

  8. Actually, genealogy DNA suggests(I didn't say proves) that everybody's origin is eventually in Africa, even Scandinavians.

  9. Nope, it can be anything, like maybe South-European ancestors somewhere down the line.

  10. I am naturally tan, and caucasian.  I don't have any black family (that I know of for three generations.)

    I have European.  Hungarian, English, and Australian.  And I am darker than a lot of people with "black" in them.

  11. No, naturally darker caucasians generally have mediterranean ancestry.  They are more olive skinned.  They're naturally darker because of the effects of the stronger sun at more southern latitudes in southern Europe.  Stronger sun affects the melanin in the skin, and the closer to the equator, the darker the skin pigment.  This does not mean that a person who is born near the equator will be dark skinned, but the pigmentation has developed over a long time.  So ancestry is important in determining the pigmentation.

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