
CAn Different Goldfish Types Reproduce Together, Sucessfully?

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OK, so i am looking into a 55 gallon tank for goldfish.... i want a Lion-head and a Black Moore. i want to know if they can successfully breed together? i do NOT want fry, although i am aware that it is extremely unlikely they will reproduce in a tank setting, i am still curious as to if they can together. Well, thank-you verry much=]




  1. A lionhead and a telescope CAN reproduce. Any kind of goldfish can reproduce with the right conditions and they can produce many weird and wonderful fry -- a telescope x pearlscale, for example, gets you a 'dragoneye' pearlscale, like so:

    I would love to see a lionhead x telescope, it would be a telescope with a wen. And I wonder if it would have a dorsal.

    You said, "although i am aware that it is extremely unlikely they will reproduce in a tank setting" -- I'm happy to inform you that it's very likely they will reproduce if they're male and female and of age and they have the right reproductory triggers (temperature swings, barometric pressure etc can all affect this). If you youtube 'goldfish spawning' or something you will see loads of goldfish caught in the act in their various tanks.

    I'm glad your goldies will have such a large tank to roam. Good luck!

  2. Yes they can breed, they ARE the same species.

    It's a bit like different breeds of dogs, they can be crossbred, but the end result is a mutt.

    Same with goldfish, if you breed them randomly you get random offspring, that wont breed true in the future. Mutts in other words.

    But goldfish are unlikely to breed successfully in a normal tank, yes it can be done, but it takes a bit of work on the owners part to encourage them to spawn and rear the fry, so dont worry about it.


  3. If they are the same species, they should be able to reproduce with each other.

  4. Nope, different goldfish types will not reproduce together, lionhead and black moore are totally two different species. Today, there is no hybrid goldfish, but there are so many cichlid hybrid species. Only South and central american cichlids are more likely to reproduce hybrids.

  5. If you have both male and female then yes they would reproduce. Unless they are stressed or the male is aggressive they will reproduce.

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