
CAn Russia really attack and even invade other countries willly nilly?

by  |  earlier

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and can the USA tell them their actions are wrong and demand they stop ???




  1. It kind of works both ways. The US can tell them to stop, but we cant force them unless we want to risk a nuclear war. Likewise, Russia can tell us to stop invading "willy nilly", but can't force unless they want to risk nuclear war.

  2. It is hypocritical for the US to ask Russia to stop attacking any other country, when we invaded Iraq claiming it was in the best interest of our national security we opened up the world to this kind of malarkey.

  3. I don't know what you mean by "willy nilly" but Russia, just as the United States has a considerable nuclear capability, army, navy, air force and other military resources that they can use at will. Notwithstanding, they as well as all civilized countries with these capabilities are restrained from using them in a "willy nilly" fashion because of the consequences of retaliation they will experience - especially if they attack a country like the United States or one of our allies who is able to defend themselves.

  4. I guess so.  I don't see them as a serious threat, not to the US.  Looks like a Euroweenie problem.  And another good reason for us to get out of NATO fast.

  5. Why not, the USA does.  Who is the US to tell Russia anything?  Russia and all the rest of the NATO members told the US not to invade Iraq.  They did it anyway.

  6. the USA is not the world's mom

  7. For me personally, the USA does more evil things than Russia.

  8. yes they can but i dont' think they want to tangle with us and UN. tha tis what is stoppoing them just because we're no longer in cold war does not mean nothing there is still spying and stuff still going on

  9. Osetia was attacked by Georgia (Gruzia) and asked Russia for help. Russia helped and got sucked into the war. Spoke with my mother in Moscow this morning and she is appalled that the west is portraying it as Russia is the trouble maker one.

  10. Never stopped them before.

  11. willy nilly, hahaha wow.

  12. yes. that is why we belong to the united nations org, And nato, and others, to have a means to discuss and resolve. We can't attack without provocation or we would be called on it.That doesn't mean we can't wage defensive actions. Bush went into Iraq with the consent of the un.

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