
CAn You Get Pregnant By Doing This???

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Hey guys i really worried. i may sound really stupid but can yo get pregnant by watching p**n??




  1. ROFL!!!

  2. Your right, that does sound stupid.

    No, you can't but you did already know that.

    For some reason, you just wanted a bunch of angry answers.

  3. No you can not...

  4. you need someone to sit you down and have 'the talk'

  5. LOL... h**l no

  6. noooooo

  7. this is a completely stupid question. unless you had intercourse with a person of the opposite s*x while watching p**n, it is completly impossible!

  8. ummm....were you actually having s*x with a p***s and *** while watching it? If there was no p***s involved other than the tv and computer then no? Like did you not take s*x ed. You should not be watching p**n if you are seriously asking this question

  9. Only if you are having s*x WHILE you are watching p**n.

  10. yeah...only not.

  11. wow are u that retarded??

    or are u just desprit for attention??

  12. no


  14. Yes,especially if you are watching with a guy friend.

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