
CAn You PLease REad My Poem?

by  |  earlier

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I just wrote it and may add two more stanza's to it.

The title is Her body is sinned/mind tainted/and heart corrupted

Please write more then one sentence

What Do You Think The Poem Is About ?

What Do You Think Of It?

What Do You Think Of The Title?




  1. I LOVE IT! J'aime ton poem :P It's deep and short, I love it, you should publish it

  2. Great poem.... Scary though. If you don't mind me asking, Is this about a rape?

  3. I'm not great at looking into deep and meaningfuls but...

    this sounds like a young girl being sexually abused....

    it's very deep  - sickening thought unfortunately

    Title is a bit long for a short poem

  4. I'm very concerned but the poem was very good... I felt the emotion through the words.. again..very concerned though...

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