
CAn anyone list hierarchy of titles from lowest to highest that make up the british nobility?

by Guest10642  |  earlier

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  1. Actually, Britain does not have a nobility, which carries the assumption of "noble blood."

    What Britain has is a peerage.  In Britain, if you do not have a title, you are a commoner.  Even the monarch's children are, strictly speaking, commoners unless and until he/she decides to give them a title.  

    Frequently, "courtesy titles" are given to the children/spouses of peers.  For example, the late ex-wife of Prince Charles was originally called "Lady Diana Spencer" because her father was an earl.  "Lady" was strictly a courtesy title as she did not actually have a title of her own and thus was a commoner.  After her marriage, she became "The Princess of Wales," because of her husband's title.  She was never actually "Princess Diana" in that she was not a princess in her own right but only by virtue of her husband's status.  

    Other courtesy titles are given to the sons of peers, usually their father's second-best title.  For example, the eldest son of the Duke of Buckingham is called the Marquess of Tavistock, which is another of his father's titles, although the son himself is not actually the Marquess and will officially be a commoner until he gains a title of his own.

    The peers are permitted to sit in the House of Lords - those with courtesy titles are not.

    The members of the House of Lords consist of (in ascending order):






    There are also a small number of women who hold titles in their own right, and they would be baronesses, viscountesses, etc.  Most titles, however, do not pass to women, and if there are no male heirs they either become "extinct" or are "in abeyance" until a male heir is born.

    In addition, Britain has a hereditary knighthood, baronet, which is not a peerage and does not confer membership in the House of Lords.  It can, however, be passed from father to son.

  2. The lower tiers of the titled gentry are:





    Duke/ Duchess

    Many aristocrats bear more than one title: a Duke may also be a Marquess,Earl,Viscount and Baron.

    Royals also can carry these titles as well and are considered higher up the tier.And Royals often bear more than one title:

    Royal Baron

    Royal Viscount

    Royal Earl

    Royal Marquess

    Royal Duke

  3. Baron





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