
CB Radio heard on my T.V? Does anyone know what to do about this?

by  |  earlier

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I hear a man's voice on his radio at all hours of the day. There is no pattern. It has gotten louder over time too. I do not know where this person is our how to rid my speakers of his voice.




  1. The other answer is probably is an illegal operator.

    There is a device called a "High pass TVI filter" that may help you:

  2. Hey, i am not really answering the question but just keep in mind that while it probably is an illegal radio (pushing too much power) it may not be illegal, sometimes even a proper set up will cause interference.  TV's according to FCC need to accept all incoming interferences.  

  3. Kristen:

    This problem could be due to many source and possibilities.  Are you sure that it is a CB operator or are you just using the term generically?

    The biggest clue is that the interference is coming through your speakers even when the TV is off.  It says that the problem is that the wires from the TV to the speakers are acting as an antenna and the speakers are each acting like a radio. Yes, they can act like a radio. That makes the problem simpler to solve.  Go to Radio Shack and get two 0.01uf (that's microfarads) capacitors.  Put one across each speaker lead AT THE SPEAKER, not at the TV. This capacitor will short the radio signal at the speaker.  Also get two rectangular ferrite cores.  The types that can be opened and closed using a plastic frame.  You can also use a ferrite rod.  Wind as much of each speaker lead as possible on the ferrite core or ferrite rod right at the speaker.  Add  more speaker wire if you need to.  You need at least 6 or more turns.  This will act like a "choke" to the radio signal and help keep it from getting into the speaker and being rectified and turned into a voice signal like a radio.

    I'd bet these steps will cure your problem, but if they don't, then go to and buy the, "Interference Handbook".  It is the "bible" for curing these kinds of problems.

    Good luck and have fun.  73 from the Fisherman

  4. Chances are this person is operating a radio near your home.  The radio should not cause a problem unless it is broadcasting a signal that is too powerful.  If his radio is that powerful, he is probably breaking some sort of law requiring he be licensed by the FCC.  Unfortunately there is nothing you can do apart from finding out who is causing it and asking them to stop.

    Something else to consider is that your T.V. may be poorly shielded against this type of interference.  However, if the signal from the radio is amplified enough, it won't matter how well it is shielded.

    You might check around your neighborhood for a house with a large antenna.  Also check with your neighbors to see if they are experiencing something similar.

  5. RFI or radio interference from the CB Band generally is channel dependent as the harmonics do fall into the TV channel part of the spectrum. However, if you are getting it on all channels then you may have an antenna problem. If you had cable service it is not likely you would have the problem. If you do have cable, call their service and have them attack the problem. There are filters that can be installed to stop the interference. Last but not least, if the offending signal is do to operating in an illegal manner, too much power for example, then you need to report it to the FCC. Check with your neighbors and see if any of them have the same problem. If so, then the FCC complaint is the way to go.

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