I have recently baught a new Galaxy DX 949 CB radio and used it with my old CB antenna and it worked fine. Today, I recieved the Wilson 500 antenna that I ordered. I went to tune the antenna, using the instructions provided with the antenna. They said to hook everything up, close the car doors, make sure the antenna is level and away from power lines and so I did. The tuneing part of the instructions said to check the SWR on channel 1 and on channel 40 and if it is higher on 40 than on 1 to take off 1/4 inch of whip. The SWR readings on 1 was about 3.1 and on channel 40 it was about 3.2. I removed about a quarter inch off the top of the antenna and it seems to be the same and the SWR alert light comes on. (When SWR is above 3.1) Why is my SWR so high on a brand new, top of the line antenna? Am I tuneing it wrong?