
CB drums which is the batter and which is the resonating head?

by  |  earlier

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I got a used CB drum set.

One head on my bass drum is black (not see through) without a hole.

The other is clear, but has a hole in it.

When I look at pictures of the kit I see the black side facing out. (which would mean it is the resonating head)

It just doesn't make sense to me considering most of the time the hole is on the resonating head...

So, which side is the batter head? and which is the resonating head?





  1. thats kinda wierd. even though the colors are kinda off, the side with the port hole is always the resonance head. if u get a chance get some aquarian kick II bass drum heads. they make it sound meaner than mean. i bought a batter and reso head for my bass drum and they sound like satan!

  2. many brands of heads actually say "batter" on the batter head.

    the hole side should be the resonating side (regardless of the picture).

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