
CB/two way radios - can someone trace/track someone using a cb radio? Is it possible? if so how?

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CB/two way radios - can someone trace/track someone using a cb radio? Is it possible? if so how?




  1. You  mean figure out where somebody transmitting with a cb radio is?  

    You can use a couple receivers, seperated by some distance, using directional antennas.  The antennas are moved around  until they get the best reception.  This means they are pointing at the transmitter.  The distance between the antennas and their angles can then be used to determine the location of the transmitter.

  2. Yes it would, in theory, be possible as long as the target kept transmitting for long enough.

    How? You would use a highly directional antenna (i.e one that would only pick up the signal when pointing almost straight at the target) and sweep it slowly through 360 degrees. When you pick up the target transmission, you know, roughly, what direction the target is in.

    Keep doing that while traveling towards the signal and you would eventually find it.

    A better way would be to use 2 or more directional antennas simultaneously in different locations. Both would use the same technique to find the direction of the target and then the two directions could be used to triangulate the target. This would be much quicker and more accurate than the first process but would obviously require more people/antennas and co-ordination between the two.

    Hope this helps.


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