
CBR 1000 engine problem?

by  |  earlier

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I have 05 cbr 1000 no more warranty...

i was driving my motorcycle then things started happening; like my speedometer starting wearing off.. like no more power.. it had no lights but the engine was still going and then the lights were dimming and then the engine turn off.

The starter did not work then i drove down a hill and it worked it turned on and then like 30 sec later same thing happens and engine turned off

i have enough gas and i did put premium. It is a new battery put it on like 2 months ago. so i don't know what is wrong with it.

please help




  1. first a 2 month old battery is not a new battery!  

    have charging system checked professionally you obviously have no idea.could just be loose terminals from when you changed battery.  

  2. The first guy is right, it is your charging system.

  3. you need a new stator or regulator/rectifier you battery is not charging either and is probably dead right now cost would be between 100 and 200 but try ebay or salvage first

  4. Sounds like the problem I had with my old FZR. Check the battery and if it's not charged it probably will be the regulator.

    Also be aware, the regulator probably destroyed your battery too while it was dying.

  5. You should check the battery terminals sounds like you have a intermittent connection.  If they are tight check the voltage on the battery it should be 12v next check the charging system it should be about 13v at 3500rpm I thing you will find your problem in doing so. Most likely it is a dead battery or a loose connection.  Good luck

  6. alternator /  stator

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