
CBSE or ICSE Board? Which is the best Board?

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I am from Mumbai and would want to know which Board is the best for a kid? Would appreciate if someone could help me out in this. My kid is almost ready to go to school - was just wondering which school to put her in?? Pls. help !!




  1. In my opinion, I would go for ICSE's. They are actually a bit more costly. Some people think they are harder than CBSE's. But I have studied in ICSE's cyllabus and CBSE syllabus. I found it much harder in CBSE's. You will learn better in ICSE's. I will always advice you to go with ISCE's because the teachings are more technology based and that's the most efficient method of teaching. You will also have lots of options to choose from. Thus giving you a much more wider perspective about the world and its issues.

  2. CBSE.. because i am from CBSE and i know people from ICSE who say CBSE is much better than ICSE and yet i feel its not bad...

    both r good an d if given a choice,, CBSE whould be the preference...

    Icse goes a bit crackpot sometimes... but its good even though...

    i hope i helped..

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