
CC Sabathia & NL Cy Young?

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CC has been the most dominant pitcher in the NL this year, but do his AL stats hold him back from getting the NL Cy Young?




  1. Sorry no Sutcliffe CY young for Sabathia this year.  Webb is a lock unless he faulters alot.  Don't get too crazy about Sabathia yet.  Pitchers always have a advantage the 1st time around against hitters and look whom he has been beating every game.  They have been mostly the worst teams in the NL.  Not taking away what the guy has done but numbers can be deceiving.  He would have to go something like 13 -2 with an ERA under 3 to even get consideration.  

  2. Good question and awesome avatar Newman....I think he should be in consideration, especially if the Brewers can make the playoffs....

  3. I think that he will not win the CY Young because of Lincecum, or Webb. If Sabathia were to win the rest of his games he would be maybe 10-0 in the NL but his regular season stats would be 16-8 with roughly a 3.25 ERA if he continues at his pace with Milwaukee. Brandon Webb will win the CY Young in the National League. He already has 17 wins and roughly 5 starts more. He should finish with at least 20 wins. He only has 4 losses and an ERA of under 3.00. While he may not lead the league in strikeouts his era and wins should be enough to catapult him into the CY young.  

  4. Sabathia was 6-8 in the AL with a 3.83 ERA.  So far as a Brewer he's 7-0 with a 1.55 ERA.  So combined he's 15-8 with a 3.04 ERA.  The Brewers have 41 games left so CC should get about 8 more starts.  If he could go 6-1 in those starts and keep his ERA down that would give him a 13-1 record with an ERA probably under 2.00 in the N.L.

    Rick Sutcliffe is the only player to win the Cy Young after being traded to the other league.  In 1984 Sutcliffe went 16-1 with a 2.69 ERA after being traded from the Indians (4-5, 5.15) to the Cubs.  Sabathia's potential NL stats could be similar to Sutcliffe's.

    In order for CC to win the NL Cy Young there's probably 3 things that need to happen:

    1) He has to continue his dominance.  He'll have to win at least 6 more games and lose no more than 1.  If he loses 2 games I don't think he'll have a shot.

    2) The Brewers may need to pass the Cubs and win the division.  At the very least they need to be the wild card.

    3) The other Cy Young contenders (mainly Webb but you could throw Lincecum in there as well) need to have a couple of bad games.

    If Arizona fails to make the playoffs that could hurt Webb's chances as well.

  5. No, I think Webb has been too good and that they will give it to him

  6. SInce he has a split year and Webb has as many wins as he has in the NL CC will have to come close to Webb's wins to be a candidate.

  7. No way. CC came in days before the Trade Deadline. If you want to talk about Cy Young talk to me about Tim Lincecum, Brandon Webb, Aaron Cook these guys have been awesome all through the season.

    Do I recall CC starting the season looking like a HR Derby pitcher? I think I do. As a matter of fact, The guy that was pitching for Josh Hamilton in the HR Derby (Dont remember his name but he was like 65 Years old) looked better than he did in May.

  8. They don't hold him back, but only his NL numbers will benefit him. If he manages to go 13-0, 12-1 or something with the rations he's carrying, he'll definitely be considered. But if it's anything less, i think it's comparable to Volquez or Lincecum's first half, and one half doesn't really win the award. It's impressive, what he's doing, regardless!

    He should have 6-8 more starts, which means he can potentially go 15-0...which should deserve the award, in my opinion.

  9. They could because the sure way to win a CY Young is staying in a league for 70 % of the year and CC probably did 50%. CC needs more wins and lower his ERA by some and he will probably win. His AL states could help him a little because in AL he was dominant also.  

  10. No, stats count for the league you're currently in (that's why his stats for the Brewers stands at 7-0 and not 13-8) actually he could be in consideration for both leagues if his AL stats were better.  That being said there are 3 other pitchers who are going to be in consideration for the NL Cy Young in 2008

    Brandon Webb -  17-4, ERA 2.88, K 139, Walks 41, WHIP 1.13

    Dan Haren -  12-6, ERA 3.00, K 147, Walks 27, WHIP 1.03  

    Before you scoff remember Webb won the award in 2006 with 16 wins and his walks and whip are topps in the NL

    Tim Lincecum - 12-3 ERA 2.67 K 182 Walks 60 WHIP 1.22  

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