
CCS is pointless?

by Guest58679  |  earlier

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Carbon Capture and Storage, is useless and pathetic in some views. The storage is what makes me believe this as we just store it, sooner of later the amount stored will reach critical level and all that Co2 will plunge into the atmosphere creating global havoc.

Is this a correct opinion or have I made mistakes?




  1. The true problem is that every molacule of Co2 that gets sequestered steals two oxygen atoms from the air we breath. Get smart, plant a tree and recycle the Co2 into O2 and be really green!  

  2. Carbon Capture and Storage is technically feasible and whilst the possibility of a release does exist I think it can be reduced to a low enough level to be acceptable (we'd be putting the CO2 into old natural gas fields which used to contain quite a bit of methane and managed to store that for quite some time).

    The main problem is probably going to be economic with the requirement that CO2 be pumped underground which will use quite a bit of energy, even optimistic assessments of clean coal indicate about 40% of the power generated from burning the coal will be needed to pump the CO2 into the ground.

    OTOH whilst it probably isn't a very good way to allow us to keep burning fossil fuels it probably is still worth looking at as a way of controlling CO2 concentration (using a clean power source to provide the energy for pumping).
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