
CCTV image isn't Madeleine

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I don't see why the news is making a fuss about the CCTV images in the police files of Madeleine McCann, as the little girl on the CCTV image had very long hair, but the picture of Madeleine on holiday was a of a girl with shoulder length hair cut blunt like a bob so it isn't even her.




  1. um... can i point out that it could be her because hair does grow you know

    and the kidnapper would want to change her hair colour to try to show its not the kid

  2. of course its not her

    sightings of madeline means more money into the fund , kerching

    if madeline was really still around i am sure somebody would be ringing up for the reward money

    as for someone saying she met a girl who said she was called maddy and that someone took her from her holiday , its just plain rubbish

    they must think we have the brains of rocking horses  

  3. Whats your point/question exactly?

  4. it is more spin and bullshit from them, and no the bigKahuna is not a prat he is a complete d**k head

  5. Yea and you certainly have the technology to analise it frame by frame in almost perfect detail.

    You better get on the phone telling the police what to do.

    And before accusations fly I'm not saying it is but what i am saying is that you cannot make accusations based on a 10 second glimpse of a person.

  6. Yet more BS from Holland, strange how many false leads have come from the same country that Kate and Gerry once lived/worked in.

    Now if i recall correctly, didn't Gerry get annoyed when people kept on referring to Madeline as Maddy? Didn't he say that she was ALWAYS called Madeline? So why, pray tell, would this child call herself Maddy if her name was Madeline?

    More smoke and glass antics to divert us from the truth!

  7. do you know how much hair grows in 5 month?

  8. Contrary to what the press would have us believe, the so-called sighting in Holland was investigated thoroughly at the time and discounted by the police and Interpol. Despite this, the Daily Mirror are paying for the Dutch shopkeeper to fly to London to meet the McCanns. What a load of rubbish. Just another way of selling a trash newspaper to gullible readers.

  9. Your quite right..The parents are making a fuss to avoid detection.

  10. The McCanns were given lots of potential leads about the whereabouts of their daughter but they chose to completely ignore them.

  11. and apparently the press dont have the permission of the people in those pictures to publish them, they were banned from publication and yet the british press has plastered them everywhere.

    the sightings were followed up by the police, but not by the mccanns who declared that they were too busy with other things when asked to see the cctv images.

    the dutch police followed up the amsterdam sighting and passed on their information to the pj, that information was that the child was not madeline

  12. which is why she wasnt found in holland......

  13. There is no image of the little girl spoken to in Amsterdam. The little girl in the petrol station , I agree, does not look very much like Madeleine, as apart from the length of her hair, it is darker. However, if the hair had been dyed, then it would appear longer. Optical illusion.

    The picture of the child being gripped by the wrist in a deserted shop, but for one other customer, does look like her. It might not be her, but still it should have been followed up. It was not.

    The Portuguese Police did not ever search for Madeleine McCann. Fact.

  14. Absolutely correct and the child is obviously older and has a fatter, fuller face.

    Sadly a report that seems to fit the fantasy reports of the others!!

    Remember the definite sighting of the girl at the cafe where the itms she touched were pointed out to the police and the DNA results showed that the items had been used by an adult male?!!!

    These people need investigating and locking up not just for wasting police time but for hampering the search and giving false hope.

    There is surely enough on the video to show the report was false?!!!

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