
CD Burner Failure?

by  |  earlier

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I have been unable to burn data CDs with either Record Now or ITunes and when I try it tends to freeze the computer requiring hard rebooting. I suspect my CD burner may have to be replaced. If so, how do I find one compatible to my HP desktop?




  1. are you trying with nero or media creator, they wont copy copyright material , This is what most people wan to do after they have bought the tune/tunes/video. You need pirate software.If you can copy other disks then your burner is ok

  2. You need to determine if yours is SATA or IDE.  You can remove yours from your computer, and bring it to any store that sells desktop CD/DVD burners.  They will determine for you which it is that you need.

    However, if you want to look yourself.. an IDE drive will have 40 pins that the large ribbon cable connects to.  The SATA will have a small blade that a small cable connects to.

  3. Most CD/DVD Drives today will be compatible with your HP system. What you will need is the appropriate drivers for your OS. Due to the fact that many systems ship with either XP or Vista most CD/DVD Drivers will have both types of drivers on the installation disk. If you have Vista, and have your Automatic Update setting to include other devices, you could receive a driver update almost immediantly after installation. Just click the command to Check for updates and see what happens, or go to the CD/DVD Drive manufacturers website and check for updated drivers for the device.

    Just check the box and make sure it says compatible for XP or Vista, or both which it should be. They are very easy to install. Good luck and have a nice day.  
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