
CD/DVD repair?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a GOOD way to repair discs at home. I have found a great machine, but it costs $700 and I will get it, but till I have the money I need a fix now. I have heard some things like toothpaste and such, but that don't work. ANYONE else have an answer? THANKS!




  1. They make a thing that is just a polisher - with a crank, check at some computer stores (or even wal-mart).  They are usually maybe 30 bucks or so.

    One of my friends got one - and it could fix all but the most gouged and scratched ones.

    It even improved those considerably - but obviously where the really bad damage was, it was going to skip.

    For stuff that is beyond repair, try going to and look through their gauranteed scratch free used (you can return anything that they might miss) - or check local used CD/DVD places to replace anything that you don't want to pay a bunch of money for twice.

    Or see if you can find someone to let you borrow it and copy - I wouldn't feel the least bit bad about doing that if I had purchased the movie/album, and had either lost, broken, or had the actual disc stolen.

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