
CD32, 16DPO, Neg HPT, High BBT, What is going on??

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I am on CD32, on my 3rd round of clomid Last month I had a 29 day cycle. I am at 16DPO and have had Elevated BBT...and even seen them go up even more the past 2 days. Could this be a cyst or am I pregnant? I have taken the internet cheapies HPT and they have come back negative. I took one this mornig with FMU ... neg. Other than that I have taken a few but not in the morning and they are negative. My nurse said I should wait until the end of the week to call them, or atleast until I am 1 week late. What shoudl I do? Myohter nurse would say come in for a test. When is it too early to have ablood test?




  1. 18 days of high temperatures mean that you're pregnant (if your BBT falls on 19DPO or later, it's an early miscarriage, not a period). Hang in there two more days and try another test. Or, if you can get a blood test, do it now. Good luck! I have been in your shoes and driven myself out of my mind. Let us know what happens.

  2. It's not too early for a blood test. That said, all those negative HPT don't sound promising.

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