
CEO's, managers, etc...would you hire a #2 for your company you only met 1 time for a couple hours?

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I just can't fathom anyone promoting someone to the #2 spot in any company they had only met 1 time. That is so reckless.

I am not a CEO, or in a management position, but I work for a major engineering company and recently was promoted to being a Lead Engineer. This promotion required several interviews lasting longer than a few hours and also I'd been working at this company for 3 years prior to this.

A side note, I have a mechanical engineering degree from Berkeley.

Sarah Palin has a communications degree from University of Idaho.

I am more qualified to be VP than Palin, definitely have a better education.

Also please dont attack Obama or any other democrat, try for once to defend your candidates decision, rather than attack attack ignore attack method.




  1. Hee hee. You struck a chord there I think.  MSNBC was talking up that point this morning.

    But McCain didn't pick Palin anyway. She was picked by the Council of National Policy, a private, neo-conservative group founded by an anti-Catholic.  They probably vetted her by talkting to church leaders-- the autistic baby thing probably put her over the top for them.

    McCain isn't even allowed to pick his running mate.  So if he gets in it will be the same old cronies.

  2. It is not an attack to point out that Obama could not be a CEO or a manager nor with his attendance and voting record even be considered for a job.

  3. I'll play your game.

    The CEO of the company would look around within his own organization to see if there is someone that they thought could do the job.  This would include looking at the heads of divisions.  They wouldn't need to have many extensive interviews with the person if they were able to see from their track record that they have the qualities that are desired.  A "short" one-day interview may be all that is required to determine if they have a compatible work style and are interested in the position.

    They company would not go out and find a low level subordinate without any supervisory experience and a very limited track record and give them the position of CEO because they said they could change the fortunes of the company.

    I have to ask.  What makes your education better?  As a governor or vice president your degree from Berkeley in mechanical engineering would be worthless just as her degree in communications would not serve her in your job.  Or is it that you think going to college in California automatically gives you a better education than someone that went to school in Idaho?

  4. First, you assume that everything we see on TV or hear through the media is everything that happened in the investigation process.  I think it a huge error in argument to make such an assumption simply because there may have been other avenues of research that guided the decision.  The McCain campaign has a staff of thousands, of whom any or many may have contacted Ms. Palin for information and would have also looked into her public history.

    Second, if she had only received a communications degree does not speak much of her qualifications as a politician.  The American system is built so that anyone who believes to be the voice of the people may speak on behalf of the people allowing them to choose.  To only allow those with advanced degrees to become a politician would not only further push an elitist agenda but also disallow a perfectly valid candidate who may or may not be as educated as some people he/she represents.  It is up to the people through election to make this decision.

    As for Ms. Palin, she is indeed qualified in my opinion.  She has presided over a community and a state handling a significant budget, and continued to grow in popularity.  Her integrity was pr oven in her case to resign from an ethics commission where she saw that corruption was highly pervasive.  Something that was further reinforced by the resignation of officials that were involved in that corruption.  

    Putting together a background investigation and a proven history long before the nomination was solidified, the final meeting may have only been icing on the cake.  

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