
CEO's families paid after CEO's death...fair? Ethical? Moral?

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I used to be a "dye in the wool" Republican until I found out from reading some history, that Big Business in America was found to capitalize on Unethical monarchies & governments in the name of "free enterprise".

Now, another point of anger I have is that these CEO's not only make enough in a single day that the common working joe would have to work an ENTIRE lifetime to earn...

But, now because of their employment/retirement packages, after they pass away, the funding continues to be collected by their families in astronomical numbers.

See link attached:

What do you think of this? Is it fair, if so, how? Is this another black eye for the Republican pro-business stance ? Republicans seem to believe that business can regulate itself, but I beg to differ....

061008 3:30




  1. Republicans don't believe anything of the sort.  I don't know where you get your news, but it ain't fair and Balanced as FOXNEWS.  ;)

  2. how is it a hit on republicans that businesses have built in life insurance policies on their senior execs??

    is it fair or ethical.. of course it is.. they asked for and received that as part of the compensation package if you as a shareholder don't feel it is a correct payment fire the board of directors and hire one that won't agree to such egregious terms.

    Brian Roberts is the prime example listed he makes 14.2 mil a year.. if he dies his family gets 280 mil or about 20 times that...

    it is a fairly large chunk of change i will admit but would you feel better if instead of that they took out a 280 million dollar insurance policy on him at company expense??

    most companies provide for insurance policies on all employees if they die on company business that policy is usually doubled or tripled...

    my policy is about 9 times my annual salary.... if it were tripled (CEO's it can be argued are ALWAYS on company business) mine would actually be a bigger increase then his (27 times not 20 times).

    honestly how many of these policies are actually ever cashed in?! VERY few CEO's die while employed usually long before they die they have retired.. this is just a way to make a CEO feel his family will be taken care of if he were to die... in the competitive field of CEO's there simply aren't that many people that can turn around a multi billion dollar company.

    honestly looks like another case of Marxists screaming about how unfair capitalism is..

  3. Ethics are based on the way things ARE and morals are based on the way things SHOULD be according to the way God would have us live. Life has its standards, but do we live up to them (or even try)?

    That said, it is truly immoral (and irresponsible to the Nth degree) to pay these guys this sort of money in death and it's insane to pay anyone this amount of money in life! CEOs are always looking to scratch the back that scratches theirs! And don't we know that this stupidity leads to higher prices on everything?! But when your lifestyle is so far and away more luxurious from that of the herd, well, you just can't relate--and you probably don't even care! When your residential assistant drives a $75,000 Mercedes to fetch your groceries and dry cleaning, it's hard to see how the middle class struggles with paying their $100 cable bill.

    Furthermore, it's not a 'red' or a 'blue' partisan issue; it's an American issue. Do you think this practice was not going on during the Clinton Administration? Mr. "I did not inhale" and "I did not have s*x with that woman" isn't capable of allowing some buddies a little *wink, nudge* freedom?

    Let's be honest. There's so much that goes on behind closed doors (even in the back rooms of small businesses and courtrooms) that would also outrage us, but the country still seems to move forward into the future. Shocking that it may be...

    What a different world it would be if these people would SHARE!!!

  4. Yes, some of the numbers are outrageous, but you are missing a very large point here ... If it were not for disclosure reforms enacted by the current Republican administration, while they were still in control of congress, you would not know these numbers. Now that they have been brought out, it is up to the shareholders to force the boards to change things. Government should not be involved in that aspect.

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