
CF Friday: Do the gods thoughts, morals and accepted behavior change of time or remain static?

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I asked this yesterday and didnt get many, but any one can answer really. Just more curious about pagans.




  1. labgrrl said it perfectly - they are living gods, therefor they change

  2. The gods evolved and are evolving. They are living gods, therefore they change.

  3. I'm unaware of any pagan handed down by the gods type more.  From the point of heathenry, the gods participate in cultural obligation and are bound by the same laws, rules, mores and expectations as humans of the communities are.  Likewise, the laws, rules, mores and expectations are community and culturally specific.  Which is why we have reference to the Dane Law of England.

    From the literary sources, one could interpret the reference to the gods deciding who all would receive sacrifice and pay tribute after mention of the Vanic War, as basically saying the Aesir will accept the members of the Vanic tribe into their midst and amongst their law.

    These things were social contracts established over periods of time (custom, siðr, Die Sitte, thew) and were specific to the communities themselves and did not necessarily apply to or resemble those of the next community 5 miles down the road.

  4. Good question. I look forward to the answers from Christians, because I have long wondered why the God of the New Testament seems so much nicer than the warmongering God of the Old Testament.  

  5. I would say they can change over time but only within their defined areas. Such as Dionysus will never give up wine, Aphrodite will never give up the pleasures of the flesh and devote herself to chastity, Kali will never embrace sunshine, rainbows, and puppies, etc.

    But my views of the Gods are probably quite a bit different than most peoples so take it with a grain of salt.  

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