
CFL Stat page.?

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I love the CFL,but the one complaint I have is finding stats on current and retired players. Im looking for a site similiar to, a site that has all the players who played and their stats, standings, etc.

..For example, I had to search to find career stats for Mike Pringle, yet I can easily find stats for some 4th string NFL QB from the 70's.

Anyone know of one??




  1. It's one of the league's many flaws. You can buy a guide book every year, usually several months into the season, that has stats of current players. I'm not aware of any easy access to get league records or career stats of former players. I know last year when Milt Stegall was closing in on various career marks, I couldn't find career stats anywhere on the web.

  2. The CFL's website has specific league stats for every year going back to 1999 as well as individual and team records all-time and season.  For those who specificalyy spoke of having a hard time finding stats for Pringle and Stegall, the CFL site has both.  They don't have all stats, but they do have some.

  3. the only thing i can suggest is we start one,  couldn't be that hard started with only offence and built from there
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