
CFS, work, medication, timescales?

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I had been feeling very not well (extreme tiredness, drained, no energy, lethargic, sleeping long hours then napping) for about 8 months I went to the doc he said I had low iron count (but not aneamic) and was to take 3 ferrous sulphate a day, I have been doing this for almost 2 months and still dont feel any better so he says I have CFS.

I have to go and see a specialist about my leg problems (they are weak and get bad cramp like feelings in them), he has also prescribed me anti-deppresents aswell as giving me multi vitamins to take. I have been off work for 2 months and he wanted me off longer but I said I would just go back part time at the moment so he agreed. What I want to know is how long CFS can last for? If it will get any worse than it is now (I am still very tired, no energy etc)? Can most people with it still work? Its just that I am 24 and wouldnt want to think that my working life is over already, the 2 months I have been off for were torture, I was really down. Although I still think work will be hard to begin with (I have quite a heavy going, standing all the time job), I think it will beneifit me mentally and make me more happier seeing people again. Will the anti-depressents and multivitamis (aswell as iron tablets) make me feel much better? Thanks for any answers!




  1. yes ,

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