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  1. Safety (Crime rate? Who is looking out for you?)

    Medical (What happens if you get sick while there?)

    Culture Shock

    Money (It costs a lot to do this most often.)

    Unknown (Yet that is part of the point right?)


  2. Actually I'm 2 weeks now far from home, studying overseas. So I'm so happy to share my experience about the challenge of studying abroad.

    First, of course, about home sick. you will find out in the first three days (approximately)are so exciting. You feel like you are travelling and have a vacation. Find many new exiting things.Next few days, you will find so sad, homesick, could cry and thinking how stupid you are to study abroad. Why don't just study at your own country, not far from home, far from you parents, relatives, and friends. Then slowly you can adapt yourself in the new environment, new responsibilities(cooking, washing your clothes, thinking what are we going to take for your meals, make your own plan, find transport, accomodation, make decisions and still a lot). in fact, you are able to stand alone, far than you can expect before. You also find out there are a lot of nice friends, nice people surrounding you.

    Second, the language problem. Don't think that you are good enough. But it doesn't mean i scared you. The accent, intonation, the rythm, the people's culture and behaviour will different from what you have learnt in theories. But don't stand back, that's why you will learn, right?

    In our life, we always learn.

    Third, the health. Make sure you are arrange your breakfast, lunch and dinner properly. Because your mom and dad are far away from you. Doctors are quite expensive.

    Fourth, Many kinds of people you will find, with many kinds of behaviour, culture, race and religion.Learn how to interact with them.

    I think that's all. next time i can add some more. I need to go now.

    hope it can help you ^.^

  3. Problems with living abroad:

    - Language problems (lack of communication).

    - Not knowing your way about (getting lost).

    - Finding accommodation.

    - Change of currency.

    - Health coverage.

    Hope this helps.

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