
CHARTERS !! Plz help !!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey !!

Okk omg im really confused .. iv been wanting to start charting since the beginning of my period (4 days ago now) .. but whenever i took my temps they said they were in the 30's (silly me i didnt realize they were in celcius not farenheit !!)

So after realizing that i took my temp this morning, came down to the pc to use an online converter and omfg !!

my temp this morning read 37.3 !!! which is 99.14 in farenheit !!!!! like wtff is this ?? am i normal .. its not even on the bbt chart i printed up !! im really confused why is my temp so frikkin hiigh??

* i didnt wake up till like 10:30 am tho .. hehe it is summer after all .. and in Taking charge of your fertility, Toni writes thats temps can creep up slowly the longer you sleep .. but all the way up to near 100 ??

* i also have a really thick cuddly blanket that i sleep under no matter what .. could that affect my temp ??

so any opinions would be amazing im really confused .. :(




  1. OK so your temps are very much linked to the time you got up. I wouldn't panic about the temp. Some women have really   high temps all the time (go to nd do a search in the chart gallery for high temps) so that's not worth worrying about either, but mostly it's all about TREND in your chart, not specifics. Don't worry -- I'd sign up for an account at the link above and get their computer to store your data. They'll be able to see trend way better than you will. I was charting with paper and pen for 8 months and then I decided to put my data into I had been totally getting my data wrong and BD-ing at the wrong time. I was seriously P'd off! So use their website and it will help a lot :)

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