Our nearest airport would be Newark Airport but my mom said a close one in New York is fine too. Her mom, my grandma, recently had a concussion and fainted, therefore we want to go see her before something worse happens, she is around 85, so we don't wanna take any chances and we wanna see her ASAP. My mom said the date would be around Aug.1 or the early days of August and be back in 10 days, but BEFORE Aug. 16. I was recently in the hospital for my stupid gallbladder, ugh, and we didnt have insurance bc we almost never got sick, so my mom is still paying that bill of $30,000 plus the taxes and mortgage and all, so we wanted to find the chea[est tickets we could. Does anyone have any good airlines we could buy from please? We prefer to go to an agency, but online with a direct link would be OK too. Thank you so much and God Bless!