
CHESS: can you sacrifice ANY peice of your own by ANY other peice????

by  |  earlier

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if you are in checkmate and the only way to get out is to make your king take one of your own player, can you?




  1. Unfortunately, not.

    You cannot capture your own pieces.

    Still, it's interesting twist to standard chess. I couldn't find any chess variant which would enable this...

  2. I am a good chess player and your question is set out wierd you can not take your own pieces but it retriespect you can queen a pawn so that is in some way sacrificing it, no you can not take your own piece if you are in checkmate

  3. No, you can not capture your own pieces under any circumstances, at any point in the game.

    Just to clear one other thing up, when a pawn reaches the 8th rank, it can be exchanged for ANY piece of your own color (except a King) REGARDLESS of whether that piece has been captured or not.  Therefore , it IS possible to have up to nine Queens in a game (eight pawn promotions plus the Queen you started the game with).

    Pawn promotion rules have nothing to do with "well, SOME people play all pawns can become Queens"... the rules state that all pawns CAN become Queens.  If anyone insists that promoted pawns can only replace pieces that have previously been captured, they aren't playing by the rules of chess.  Besides, what happens if a pawn reaches the 8th rank before any of your own piece have been captured?

    But again, to answer your question,  by standard chess rules, you can not capture your own pieces...  

    But you may have accidentally come up with an interesting variant, a variant in which all of the SQUARES adjacent to an attacked  King must be controlled by the enemy in order to achieve "checkmate" (because a King couldn't escape capture by capturing his own piece) .

  4. It is never legal to capture your own pieces.  Therefore, if the only way to save your king is to capture your own piece, you are in checkmate and the game is over.

  5. Yes, you can sacirfice a pawn for any promotion: a queen, bishop, or a rook or theres more but or course u will pick the queen...

  6. i dont understand this question speak english please

    yes i play chess so i would know but this isnt very good english

    edit: no you cant take a piece of your own

  7. If you're in checkmate the game is over

  8. No you can only exchange a pawn for a piece that is already taken when it gets to the opposite end of the board. Some people play that all pawns can become queens but usually you just get one of your pieces back

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