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Can somebody tell me, or does someone know, why, as children get older, language communication becomes "easier," as well as more precise? What is a, or are plausible reasons for this?

I know that one reasaon is due to an increase their vocabulary, but I feel that this does not say everything. There's more to this picture.

Any assistance will be appreciated.

Thank you.




  1. Child increase their vocabulary is really it.  Language is a learned process.  Communication also becomes easier because children learn to use gestures and symbols to communicate.

  2. Children are learning How to read people and are understanding emotions and feelings. They are also learning cause and effect. Most of this starts at age 2-21/2 and progress's as the child gets old. Words are not everything but they do play a large part the more words a child has the more ways he can express what he is feeling. The less likely they will be to get frustrated if they now how to express what and how they are feeling as they get older this is a big stepping stone to easier communication. Which is why moms say that 3 year olds are the best cause they have just learned this and have no fear of showing it in hugs kisses and i love you. Thats is until they start school.

  3. Communication is like any other skill. Repitition makes one better. The more your hear, the more you speak, the better your communication skills.

    Take a pianist, for instance; the more one practices, the better their execution and the more advanced they become as a musician.

  4. Children are sponges they soak up everything,how we talk,how we say thing and what we say. They listen and learn and even though you think at times they are paying you no mind,they are paying very close attention. They listen to how you use words and phrases.  Children will do what they see and how they see it,if your everyday words are full of cuss words don't wonder why your child has a "yuck mouth". If you speak clearly and without cuss words they often take this up. They want to be like their elders,so w hatever you say or how you say they will take up. Children are learning constantly. Their minds are developing at such a fast rate that you will be amazed at what you  hear coming from their mouths.

    Your child will learn to speak how you speak to them.If you speak to them like another adult,that means clearly and uses regular words you use often,they will pick this up and they will communicate in the same manner. If you use baby words and talk slow they will communicate how they are spoke to. The best way to get a child to communicate with you on the same level is to talk to them normal. Baby talk is cute when they are infants,but honestly how long will this child be an infant. A child will except what it sees and hears as  normal.

    Once children attend school,they start to learn new things from other children and how those other children are taught in their homes. This is where children will tend to search for identity and test the waters with new words and phrases. Children pick up things very easily,so if you speak ignorantly and unwisely around a child,the child will do the same. Give a child the benefit of the doubt,speak to the child in a manner you would a friend,and they will understand and communicate with you more and often and in a way you and the child are comfortable with. Children will do what they see and say what t hey hear,it's how they find their identities and their personalities. A child is a product of their environment,you must be the role model,because the responsiblity falls in your hands as a child will re-inact what it sees from people it knows and/or is around.

  5. Well, children at first learn concretely.  They can look at an object and say the name of that object.  As they get older, they are able to use adjectives to describe what they see.  As parents speak to their children and they hear more words from others, their vocabulary expands.

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