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I'm currently in my school's media club which is a club that takes pics and stuff but I'm thinking of joining choir... what should I do? I'm afraid that I might regret it if I join choir because I'm afraid of quitting because I have to ask the teacher to let me quit and I'm also afraid of auditioning for choir. what if i don't get in? and i dont like singing infront of crowds but my dream is to be a singer so I want some training. but the choir is currently learning grade 2 music theory and i only have a distinction certificate for grade 1 so I'll be really behind everyone. so should i join choir and quit media club? Or should I just stay in media club and maybe join a singing class during the school holidays so I'll have both skills since I like taking pics too and it's my dad's hobby so he supports me? I'm thinking the second choice but I don't know... ...I don't know whether my parents or my aunt and uncle will tease me for wanting to be a singer?




  1. i <3 choir!!!!! its fine. you'll loove choir. best way to get over stage fright and stuff.

  2. Hi there

    Aw you are really awesome, you want to be a singer, thats so cool. you dont have to be worried about what youre relatives, your uncle will think about you wanting to be a singer. that is awesome. theres nothing to be ashamed of. take media club and choir if possible. try out for choir, you NEVER know! ;) just be confident, and follow your heart. follow what you think you should do and NEVER let ANYONE tell you you cant be a singer or all that. you never know whats in your future. work hard, do your best, do what makes you happy. good luck and i hope you feel better

    take care


  3. Well, if you don't get into the choir you'll be in the same place you are now -- media club.

    If you audition for choir and get in, then you have to choose which club to be in, but until you try out you won't know if you even have to make that choice.

    It's normal to be nervous about auditioning and uncomfortable about singing in front of an audience, but if you're serious about wanting to be a professional singer, you'll need to get used to doing both of those things, and choir would be a good start.  The nice thing about performing with a choir is that you're just one voice in a group of 20 or 30 people, so you can get used to being onstage in front of an audience with all your choir mates around you -- as opposed to being onstage as a soloist and having to carry the entire show all by yourself -- now THAT'S scary.

    A singing class during the school holidays will teach you how to sing better, but unless the class puts on a recital or performance, you won't get any performing or auditioning experience out of it.

    Bottom line, as I see it, is this -- its time to look long and hard at what REALLY matters to you.  Be honest and tell the truth! If singing professionally is your dream, and if you're genuinely committed to making that dream a reality and not just a pleasant escapist fantasy, then you need to do whatever will further your ambitions and improve your skills as a singer FIRST, and photography will have to take a backseat for awhile. Maybe join choir and take a photography class during the school holidays if you want to keep taking pictures as a hobby?  

    If you like both singing and photography as hobbies and you're NOT truly committed to music as a career, then it really doesn't make a difference one way or the other whether you join choir or stay in media club or take singing classes or anything else.  

    But only YOU can decide what truly matters to you.  And if singing is what really matters, then don't let your family's opinion stop you.  

  4. after school clubs are nerdy but some people go to choir
You're reading: CHOIR OR MEDIA CLUB?

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