
CHRISTIAN GIRLS! do i sound like someone you would wanna date?

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ABOUT ME: Ive gone on a few dates, ive kissed girls, but ive never had a serious, fulfilling relationship.

1. Im 21 years old

2. Im a Christian, and even though i fall many times, im a believer in Christ and i trust him to lead me in life.

3. Im quiet, but when you get to know me, i can be funny.

4. I dont get out much, but when i do im really fun to hang with.

5. Im a virgin

6. I've gone on dates, but ive never had a true fulfilling relationship that lasted long.

7. I listen to rock

8. I dont smoke or do drugs

9.Ive been drunk before, but i havent drank in a while.

10. I dont have much of an influential personalty when it comes to friends, but when i do, im always a positive one.

11. Even though im a virgin, ive struggled with other forms of sexual impurity (i.e. p**n,masturbation,lust). I occasionally mess up, but its not a habit.

12. I like to work out.

13. I go to college

14. I love God and i try to please him.

15. I curse every once in a while.

16. I like kids.

17. I like animals.

18. Im 5'10/athletic

19. I have brown eyes/hair

20. I like to travel

21. I want to meet the right girl. Dating the wrong person can be silly and ive seen the emptiness in dating a girl who doesnt share similar values to me. I feel more at peace when im in a relationship with someone who loves God and cares about christian values.




  1. probably, but it depends on the kind of girl dates u

    just because she's a Christian doesn't mean she has a different personality. she can be outgoing, funny, excise, or whatever but sometimes she doesn't focus so much on the laws, rules, or whatever of the Bible.

  2. heh, you sound a lot like me. Good luck and God bless.

  3. You basically sound like every guy that exists.

  4. just a question

    are you mormon?

  5. Wow.  I'm a Christian,  and you sound like the most promising guy out there!  A real man is not afraid to bring his mistakes to the table, be honest about his past.  Everyone messes up on things in their life, and in a relationship there can't be any secrets.  So God bless you for that.  Your virginity (as i have said many times before) is a sure fire sign of self-respect, and when you rerspect yourself and you can let the right person know, she'll know that you can respect her too.  And that is a key trait in a relationship.  And God would is so proud of you for keeping the amazing gift he gave you, for the right person.  Having a girl know that you are in college means that you can graduate with her best interests at heart, and that you can support her, and the family she decides to have.  To me you sound like the perfect guy.  And if you trust in God as much as you say you do, he will definately find you one of his daughters for you.  But i do definately suggest that you find a Christian girl with good moral values.  Because finding someone who isn''t would be a waste of time, and pointless.

    "Love is giving someone the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to."


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