
CHRISTIANS, I thought that wage of sins was death, but you?

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You do say to have eternal life you must believe in Jesus as your savior and be spared eternal damnation.

According to you your eternal existence will be in heaven, the non-christians eternal existence will be in h**l .

That is a contradiction to your doctrine, because we won't cease to exist , we will exist forever but eternally tortured.

Contradiction in "wage of sins is death"

Why will we (non-christians ) be eternally existent but in h**l, in eternal torment?

So, how can we both have eternal existence , you Christians in heaven and us non-Christians in h**l?




  1. Very interesting thought, and unfortunately, there probably isn't an answer to your question. The bible contradicts itself so many times its ridiculous.  Speaking of which someone should probably come up with a list to show the point that yeah, the bible really doesn't make sense.

  2. Your 'contradiction' is rooted in an incomplete understanding of the biblical concept of death.  Death is separation: of the person from God, and of the soul from the body.  Physical death is but an extension of spiritual death.  Resurrection, biblically, is not a recreation of life, but a rejoining of body and soul.  And all of us will be resurrected.  But the issue of separation still remains.  h**l is the destination of resurrected persons who remain eternally separated from the Creator.  So, "the wages of sin is death" makes perfect sense, given that death is separation.  There is no contradiction.



    I've tried to answer your question as you asked it.  The point is that your understanding of 'death' is different than Paul's.  h**l may or may not be true.  But Paul is not being inconsistent when he says that the wages of sin is death.  From *his* perspective, that is perfectly consistent.  If you want to discuss metaphysics, questions regarding the nature of life and death, re-post your question and I'll try to respond appropriately.

  3. <rolls eyes>

    I have a better education than you do. Go back to Sunday school and learn your Bible or can you even read.

    <rolls eyes> <rolls eyes> <rolls eyes>

  4. When the Bible talks about "death" in judgment, it is a reference to spiritual "death' a state of being where a soul is disconnected forever from the eternal source of life and every good and perfect gift. It calls this state of existence the "second death".

    Revelation 20:10  The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.  11  Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.  12  And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.  13  The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works.  14  Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  15  And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

  5. Age old issue Chinese or Japanese guy.  That's why scholars study the synoptic Gospels separate from the Johanine Gospel.  John's Gospel speaks, not as if we have eternal life, and where we'll end up, but rather, eternal life is only for some people?  Christians are so concerned with their fear of h**l fire and feeding that c**p to their young children, they never address these anomalies in the Gospels?  A Christian will tell you their church is built on the cornerstone rejected by all the builders.  Supposedly "love" I think?  What hypocrisy and lies?  The Christian faith is built on the same cornerstone that all ancient religions used, "fear"!!    

  6. I believe in the Lord Jesus, but I don't believe in eternal torment.  Torture for eternity has nothing to do with justice.  God's word tells us to love our enemy, and to do good to those who do us harm, so why would God teach us this, but do something else himself?  Also, God says, with the SAME measure that you give (good or bad) that it will be measured to you again.  Eternal torture isn't the SAME measure, because no one has done harm to anyone eternally.

    God's fire cleanses, it doesn't torture.  It refines us as gold or silver is refined, Malachi 3:2-3.  Yes, EVERYONE will go through this refining process.  Now there is a different belief, isn't it?  The religious folks hate this even more than they hate Atheists.

    Ephesians 6:12, says we don't fight against flesh & blood, but against spiritual wickedness.  Think about the man who was possessed by Legion, and how he behaved while possessed, and how he behaved after Jesus cast out the demons.  Who was responsible for the actions while possessed?  That is what will be cleansed away from all mankind, and then we will shine forth as refined gold in God's kingdom.

    Additional comment:

    1st Corinthians 3:11-15, says, there is no other foundation except Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the life, and that is the foundation upon which we are built.  Once we have life, we begin to build upon our life, and the things we build upon our life, will be tested by God's cleansing fire, and if what we build isn't burned up, we will have a reward, but if it is burned up, we will suffer loss, "BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED; YET SO AS BY FIRE".

  7. Most 'Christians ' tell you what their churches teach, not what the Bible teaches.  Some things are hard to understand and many rely on their preachers or on what they have been told from childhood on.

    The Bible's teaching is simple and demonstrates a God of love.

    First (Matt 5:3,5) there are two kinds of hope, a heavenly one for the saints who shall be king priests with Christ, and another for the meek ones, righteous ones, that shall inherit the earth.

    Included in the earthly crowd are those who are called the unrighteous.  These righteous people who have had no exposure to the gospel during their lives and died.  They shall receive a resurrection of judgment.  This means that they shall have the chance to become Christians or not.  Their lives depend upon their choice.


    The wicked do not get the gift of Rom 6:23, but instead reap unrewarded the wages of sin, death.  They die and it means oblivion eternal, no suffering, no consciousness.


    (KJV) PS 39:13, O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more.


    If you have questions about the soul, the spirit, h**l fire, etc - check my homepage at profile.  Go down to the BB2 section.  There are many subjects discussed there with Biblical proof.

    Or ask!

    Those that believe all shall Christians go to heaven need to read Daniel chapter seven.  If the saints receive the kingdom over the nations, what are the nations?  Also, read Rev 5:8-10.

    If the ones in Rev 5:10 become king-priests and rule over the earth -- is the earth then empty of humans?  Really!  

    Do you really think the earth shall be permitted to be filled with wicked people under the kingdom rule?

  8. Absolutely.  The wages of sin is death.  Sin and sinners will be destroyed in the lake of fire so YAHOSHUA can make all things new, and very good.  (glad someone is reading the book)

  9. Eternal life doesn't just denote everlasting life, it means God's life in humanity. So when Jesus became incarnated in human form He recieved this life from His Father. And He gives it to those who believe in Him - Romans 10 says that you must trust that He died for your sins, and rose from the dead - this is the minimum belief required for God to save you. Then He can put all your sin on Jesus and cause you to be born again in your spirit; that being born again is actually the gift of eternal life when in the spirit you become like the 'New Adam' Jesus, and receive a son/daughter relationship with God.

  10. No contradiction whatsoever.Paul is speaking of Spiritual death here.  You need to read the whole book of Romans to really understand  the context  of this wonderful truth. And  don't forget the rest of the verse... But the gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord.  If you are going to quote the Bible in effort to debunk the Bible you will fail.    

  11. yes we all die first....we sleep.....then we resurrect to either judgment for UNbelievers or immortality for those who are saved...

    h** torture

  12. You will exist, but you will never again be in the presence of God. You will be in eternal darkness.

    You are still thinking on a physical level. The spiritual death is that you are eternally "cut off" from God. You are "dead" to Him.

  13. If the wages of sin is death imagine what happens if you get a pay rise.

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