
CHRISTIANS, when we Non-Christians will be tortured forever in h**l?

by Guest65762  |  earlier

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Many of you folks believe that, only a few Christian sane people don't believe in h**l.

So, when we will be in h**l, tortured, does God see us in excruciating pain ? If from h**l we beg him to help us, since he is all forgiving, will he get us out? After all he is all loving and all forgiving, will he have some compassion and stop the torturing maybe after 100 years of tortures or no?

Why can't he apply his immense "love"," forgiveness" any longer?




  1. Actually the bible says you will be eternally separated from God so the answer is No. You have your chance on earth to choose what you want. God gave you free will so the responsibility is on YOU.  

  2. You will be tortured by nobody. Your internal (and eternal) torture will come from the realization of what you have lost by choosing the wrong way.

  3. No, God knows that you didn't believe in him when you were alive... he doesn't have to forgive you because you failed to believe in him in the beginning. That's why he gave us the bible, to believe in him... but we have free will.

  4. u have been brainwashed by the fear tactics of the churches.... to keep u under  their control....... stop listening to them..... do    ur own home work...... God hasn't started up h**l yet ....... and satan is not in charge of it and that is where he will be destroyed, and all the people who do not want Gods love ...... they choose to go there they are not sent or condemned.

  5. I think I need to find a new word for Christian. I'm ashamed that some people here think you or anyone else would burn forever. Obviously God loves and forgives all. (Not that you're required to believe).

    I'm going to start a new movement - I would like the New Thought Christians to join me in renaming ourselves "Christchildren".  

  6. only some christions belive h**l is forever eastern orthodox belive after every sin u commit ( murder rape adultry )  you will have a sentence and serve it in h**l then when its finished you go 2 heaven

  7. He wants you to make a free will choice to believe in him.  He has given you everything you need to do so.  If you choose not, then on the day of judgment he will judge you based on your faith.  He is all forgiving but you have to believe and repent of your sins.  Once you have done this then your sin will be cast as far as the east is from the west.

    Sin is nothing more then separation from God.  He can not look on sin period.  He does not accept it.  So every time you sin you are distancing yourself from him.  And the only way to close the gap is to accept Christ died to pay for your sins so that he can be the bridge for the gap.  There is no second chance after the day of judgement.

    I mean if you go rob someone, and spend all the money that you have robbed from them.  Then the law catches you, and convicts you of robbery and they throw you in prison, and you cry out I am sorry that I did not recognize the law, please let me out.  How much sense would that make, not much.

  8. I have read one Near Death Experience of a man who claimed to have gone to h**l.  He said he called out to Jesus after demons had beat him in h**l and ripped off his clothing.  Jesus did rescue him and after coming "back" he is now a preacher on a mission in a third world country.

    I think Jesus responding depends on the person calling out for help.

    So I would not count on last minute help in h**l.

  9. God tells us in Ezekial 33:11:

    I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.

    and in 1 Peter 3:9

    He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

    You are apparently have a problem with the concept of h**l, but really that is not your issue. Your issue is self-pride and an unwillingness to recognize God for who He is and all He has done for you. He has given you life. He has taken care of you all these years. He's taught you the truth about heaven and h**l. Yet you still don't believe. That is your problem - you are unwilling to believe in anything other than yourself. That is not a criticism - we all think that way to start with. Myself included. But after studying the Bible (I used to be an atheist and thought just like you) I concluded that it was true and that God is fair and loving.

    Your life on earth is a test, my friend. A test to see who you will put you faith in. Either yourself or God. So when you die you get what you want - you get either life with God or life without God (h**l). And since only sinful human beings will be in h**l it will be torturous. God won't be torturing you. The torture will occur because it will consist of only evil people.

    Jesus (who was God in a human body) tells us something about the people in h**l: "there will be weeping and nashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:42, 13:50, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30). People in h**l will either be crying over the poor decision they made on earth to reject God or they will be angry at God even though the decision was theirs.

    Think it through. You only get one life and the decision you make here on earth will affect your entire eternity. Don't make a bad decision based on your misunderstanding of God and h**l.


  10. Don't worry about what they say. h**l does NOT burn forever.

  11. Jeremiah 17:9 says "the heart is deceptively wicked and completely depraved.  Who can know it?"

    This verse is the appropriate response to your antic.  You rail against God here and now and refuse to repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ to save you from God's eternal wrath.

    If you won't do that now, why then would you do it after 10,000 years in h**l?  Wouldn't your heart grow colder and more deceptive even after 10,000 years?  How would your heart be after 1,000,000 years in h**l.

    I would have to agree with what some theologians have stated "The gates of h**l are locked from THE INSIDE".  Meaning: if you don't want God here and now, then after infinite days in h**l, you would still hate Him.

  12. He gave us our whole life to ask for forgiveness why when you turned away during the fun part should he help you during the bad??

  13. Why Some Do Not Believe

    Ironically, some people have stopped believing in God because of what they were taught in church. This was true of a Norwegian man who was told that God burns the wicked in a fiery h**l. The man just could not understand what kind of God would torment people in that way, so he became an atheist.

    Later, however, the man agreed to investigate the Bible, assisted by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He was amazed to learn that the Bible does not teach that the wicked are tortured in a fiery h**l. The Bible likens death to sleep. In the grave, we feel no pain; we are conscious of nothing at all. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10) The man also learned that those humans whom God judges to be incorrigibly wicked will remain in the grave forever. (Matthew 12:31, 32) The rest of the dead will be resurrected in God’s due time, with the prospect of obtaining everlasting life under Paradise conditions. (John 5:28, 29; 17:3) This explanation made sense. It harmonized with the Bible’s statement that “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) This sincere man continued his study of God’s Word and, in time, came to love the God of the Bible.

    Others reject the existence of a loving Creator because of the prevalence of distress and injustice. They agree with a Swedish man who once pointed to the heavens and asked: “How could there be an almighty, all-bountiful God up there when we have so much corruption and wickedness down here?” Because no one could answer his question, he too became an atheist. Later he began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. He learned that God’s Word provides a satisfying answer to the age-old question, Why does God permit wickedness?

  14. youll be in the lake of fire UNTIL the apocalypse where you will be set fre on earth but then, God comes back to kill you so you go back to h**l during the armegeedone

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