
CHRISTIANS...wat do u think of this video clip ??

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plz watch this..and tell me how u feel about wat they said...its only 10 mins so thnx a lot it would help ME personally a lot cuz im weak :(




  1. Penn and Teller are awesome comedians. The truth can hurt.

    Seen the video a long time ago.

  2. Nothing surpassing here. I mean they can't believe that a God that made everything can part some water, why is it so hard to believe in that? You first have to believe that things are possible before you analyze things like religion.Things like God could exist that Jesus could be God, you have to be open minded if not was the point.

    They also "spin" things to make them look in there favor. If you don't know what spin means watch the movie Thank you for smoking where a lobbyist tries to convince everyone smoking is not bad.  For example when they talk about messiahs besides Jesus they fail to mention that Jesus body was never found (and they were looking for it). Also Jesus followers dead for what they preached unlike other "followers" so if you got a guy saying that Jesus is doing miracles and he dies for that story are you going to believe more? Apostles testimonies sealed in blood more then I can say for other followers of other messiahs.  

  3. Well, I've found the atheist venomfangx

  4. I liked that walk on water trick. They just made the same points I've been trying to make for a long time.

  5. I honestly didn't watch the video clip.  I saw the title and recognized what your weakness was right away.

  6. I didn't get more than a couple of minutes into it before I turned it off. Incredibly silly. It is as simple minded approach to the Bible as I have ever seen. Seriously, it is simply propaganda. There have been a lot of people who have answered these types of questions, and many of the answers can be found quite readily if you simply do a search of some good Christian sites. I recommend Glenn Miller's Christian Thinktank which can be found here;

    Seriously, if a couple of comedians and the typical "I know better than Christians" atheist can shake your faith, you need to do some more reading. The video doesn't care about answers. It simply wants to present questions as if they have no answers, and to belittle those it doesn't understand.  

  7. I sorta felt sick to my stomach watching this video.But I actually felt sorry for these guys.They don't understand the Word,taking verses at random without understanding leads to this kind of thinking.We see a lot of this at this forum which is kinda good cause they are reading the ?s and answers and by chance when they see something in the near future coming to pass they might change their minds before it's too late.We are planting seeds here,only the Spirit can make them grow though.So I will look over their sayings cause something good can come from it.

  8. It's all about faith. Faith can open up doors and bring the intangible to the tangible... If ur not strong then don't watch stuff like that until you know that you  are able to withstand it. Go through something that only God can bring you out, then you will be able to look at stuff like that.  

  9. I'll be surprised if you 10 minutes pass before you get a response.

  10. There's a book you need to read called "The Politically Incorrect Guide To the Bible". It mentions this very video.

    And also read this:

  11. well. i think it is stupid.

    when he was "quoting" what the bible said. i looked it up and it said nothing like what he was quoting. at all.

    In fact people found a golden wheel from a carriage from the Red sea. that the people for pharoah road.

    and there it is!

  12. It's amazing to me that anyone intelligent enough to read would be dumb enough to swallow anything in this video.  If a person really was dumb for believing the Bible and that could be proven, that same person would be twice as stupid for placing any validity in the non-sense propagated by this video.  The speaker reveals his bias from the start, so any viewer should not immediately that this is not an objective treatment of the Book.  Also, for wanting to cast doubt on the scripture, they didn't even use the tough passages.  I could provide them with some tough ones.  These are for girl scouts.

    They start off by talking about Archaeological discrepancies.  Then they cite something that makes it sound ridiculous, and then say, "We have archaeological and geological evidence to back this up."  Do they provide any? Of course not.  They are just speaking in platitudes and my as well have left out the entire introduction for the substance it lacked.

    Genesis 1 & 2.  Genesis 1 is the over all summary.  Genesis 2 recaps the specifics of Day 6 in more detail.  One has to be biased against the scripture to perceive a contradiction in that instance.

    Noah's ark: Noah did not need to fill the ark with 10 billion species.  The word "species" wasn't invented until Carlos Linnaeus after 1729 when he derived our modern taxonomic classification system.  The Bible speaks in terms of "kinds" not "species."  For instance, you would need one generic dog, not wolves, coyotes, chihuahuas and great danes etc...  Speciation occurred after the flood.  The flood was not just local, it was global.  For all their platitudinal speaking, I give a 17-hour seminar showing the scientific and archaeological evidence that demonstrates this fact.  As fare as the 6 other flood legends, there are actually 270, and 203 of them involve an 8-person family with people and animals all on one boat in the midst of a global flood.  I wonder where they all got their information?  There's a lot more where all that came from.

    The speaker mocked Bible believer's saying "there's always a REAL scientist willing to check your facts."  Yes, and we're willing to check theirs too.

    He said there's no evidence for the Biblical crossing of the Red Sea.  Not only is this guy not up on his archeology, he apparently has also never heard of google:

    Jesus' authenticity:  The facts presented in the video are grossly in error. In short, there are at least 8 eyewitness writers who testify to the resurrection of Jesus Christ all before 70 AD with the exception of one that may have been around 92 AD.

    The other messiahs mentioned didn't fulfill the 48 OT prophesies about the Messiah like Jesus did.  Additionally, Apolonneus' resurrection was said to be spiritual only.  Jesus was a bodily resurrection bringing with it "many infallible proofs" (Acts 1:3, 1 Cor. 15:3-8).

    The video said that Judge Moore had many rabid, faithful, uneducated supporters, then they showed ONE GUY yelling about the 10 commandments.  That's convincing!

    They said, “Popular doesn’t mean right” which was supposed to be a bash on Christianity. However, we’re the once that have been saying that for 2000 years.  Get your own slogans!

    Matthew 7:14 (KJV)

    14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

    They accused us of picking and choosing passages from the Old Testament to follow - Any 6-year-old VBS student knows that doctrines that are to be perpetuated are reaffirmed in the New Testament.

    The Old Testament passages he started flinging around at the end were taken out of context, and were geared toward a different culture at a different time.  Any time a woman left home, a dowry was paid for her whether leaving for  job or to be married.  Read the context surrounding Ex. 21:7 in the KJV and that passage will suddenly take on a different flavor than this video presented.

    About stoning people for not keeping thesabbath (Ex. 35:2) - Compare with Colossians 2:16 for New Testament application.

    Shame for a man to wear long hair (1 Cor. 11:14) - and then SHOW A PICTURE OF JESUS!?!?!? Tell me, was that an original photograph?  Really, whose believing the REAL BS at this point in the video?

    Lev. 15:19-24 - the video says you can't go near a woman on her period.  The Bible says not to TOUCH her.  Quite a difference.  If that still seems unpalatable, 1) the only problem would be that you'd be unclean until the evening - no stoning or anything, and 2) rules like this are the only reason that Jewish populations NEVER got the plague during the middle ages.

    I hope this adds a little perspective to that nonsensical propaganda for you.

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