
CM after ovulation? help plz thanx ?

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i thought i had ovulated on the 11th (having 35+ day cycle, last period 21st july)but today i noticed discharge...not clear, milky like b4 u ovulate.sorry its not a nice question but im just confused.thanx




  1. My CM is different every cycle and seems to come before and after ovulating.  I'd use temp charting or OPK's to more predictably know when ovulation is.  Good luck!!!

  2. That's normal. I get hand-cream-type CM before I get EWCM, and then around 2dpo or 3dpo I get it again until 10dpo. Same thing every cycle. It's normal!

  3. Immediately after ovulation, CM returns to a creamy lotion white texture. This is the result of progesterone coming into dominance in the cycle. It usually dries up a few days later, although can continue until the end of the cycle, or if you are pregnant.

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