
CM and Clomid Question again! More responses PLEASE!?

by Guest21368  |  earlier

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Hi Ladies. This is my first cycle of Clomid (days 5-9). Beginning on CD10 I noticed an excessive amount of watery cm while BDing( to the point of losing all friction and making it VERY difficult if you know what I mean! ) I have always heard that clomid drys up your cm but I seem to be the complete opposite!! I don't know if it's due to all those hormones or what. I am only on 50mg. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you BD successfully? Thanks so much!




  1. Clomid can impact CM differently for different women.  For me personally, I got really wet during ovulation, but what pretty dry before ovulation.  After ovulation I have actually had more CM than normal (creamy).  I don't know yet if it worked because I'm in my 2WW.  However, I think it just depends on your own body...  If you are getting watery CM, that's a good sign!  Hopefully this will be your cycle and you won't have to use more Clomid!  Baby dust to us both!!  Oh, and just so you know (for me anyway), ovulation and the few following days were pretty painful.  It's a side effect from the clomid and nothing to worry about.  It lasts about 3-4 DPO.  Good luck!

  2. I had a lot of hostile CM.  I was told by my RE to use robitussin cough syrup to thin bodily secretions.  It worked the first month I used the robitussin.  Ask your doc.  Good Luck!

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