
CNN Low Dobbs is a patriot ? Or a racial hater ?

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Watching Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN tells you a lot about Lou Dobbs. Serbs burning US embassy did not get him upset. He is calm when reporting that piece of news. Russia asks to share info did not get him upset.( He even did not mention Russians. ) But when mentioning Pentagon to share info with Chinese indeed riled him riled !

(see my previous post right below this one)

Anyone attacking or sharing with US is OK, as long as he is white race? . But the Chinese ? never !

Wow, Looks like Lou Dobbs is urging a racial war!




  1. Lou Dobbs is a chump.

  2. Lou Dobbs is an opportunists. He knows that anybody stupid enough to watch his show has no idea what's going on in Serbia. They do, however, know that the Chinese are bad!

    Dobbs is the lowest form of scum on the political scene and will use whatever means he can to satisfy his bigoted audience.

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