
COACHES...Football Equipment..Pads..Helmet

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My 14 year old Freshman Son picked up his Football Equipment this morning, this is his First year in High School Football but he has played 5 years of Youth Football as a Starting R.B. on 'O' and Strong Safety and Corner on 'D'. HE knows how his equipment should fit and feel for those positions. He is also the Starting R.B on 'O' and either Middle Linebacker or Strong Safety on 'D' for High School. So here is my actual question...the Pads he was "FITTED" with today stick out about 8" on either side of his shoulders...they move all around even when they are cinched up..they look and he says FEEL like Lineman's Pads..they are HUGE, they are not Running Back Pads and are uncomfortable, You Coaches....Does it sound to you like he should have different Pads? Or does he just need to get used to these?




  1. get different ones!

  2. Hello heart's! I'm always glad to answer your questions, and you definitely need to tell the coaches that he needs new pads! If they're too big, he has to have smaller ones so they don't bug him in a Football game.

  3. the number one thing is to make sure he likes the way they feel. he wont come up and make the big hit if he is not comfortable in his pads. get him to ask the coaches (dont do it yourself) Im sure the coaches would be fine with making their players better and helping him out. Just make sure he is comfotable. Good luck

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