
COCKAtiel <span title="flew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">flew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I went to my balcony with my cockatiel before while he was on my shoulders and he was always with me. He never even goes to anyone but me, he is a part of him as I am his. He is a lutino cockatiel...and this morning after we had our breakfast together he flew before my ver eyes. Right now I don't even know what to do, I can hardly keep myself sane. I know its all my fault. I can never forgive myself for this, but I JUST NEED TO FIND HIM AT ANY COST. Please help me, I beg of you.




  1. Run outside! Yell Out his name!

    Get your friends to come with you! you an split up or something or look for him together so you don&#039;t look insane runing around the streets yelling out a birds name!

    Good Luck !

  2. There is normally a 1 week, 1 mile rule.  Your bird usually last longer than a week on his own, so time is of the essence.  Usually, the bird will not travel farther than 1 mile from his home.

    Tell EVERYONE.. all your neighbours, even if you don&#039;t like them. Put posters everywhere! Go outside and use a calm, familiar voice. Call his name, say things you usually say to him.

    If you can gather people and form a searching party. Let them know if they see him to contact you, don&#039;t have them approach him as they might scare him. If found never take your eyes off him until he safely at home.

    Put his cage on the balcony, if he knows to come back he can enter his familiar cage, encouraging him to stay, rather than take flight again.

    Don&#039;t kill yourself over if wing clipping could have helped. Fear or a small gust of wind can make your friend airborne.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you find him.

  3. Take his cage outside and place where he can see it, have food inside in the dish and leave the cage door open.

    Call and call his name, look in tree branches and in low shrubs and flower&#039;s and look on the ground.

    Tell your neighbor&#039;s and the local kids, kids see thing&#039;s adults don&#039;t.

    Give neighbors you phone number and ask them to contact you if they see this bird, but not to attempt to catch him.

    Watch local newspaper ad&#039;s for Found Bird, place a free LOST ad in the paper.

    Birds normally stay close for three days, then they leave in search of food.

    Cat&#039;s and prey birds are his threat, so don&#039;t give up, call him and stand out in the open where you can be seen.

    If you get him back, have those flights trimmed.

    Good Luck.

    Join and place a lost ad on - 911ParrotAlert@yahoogroups

  4. go follow him and take his cage, treats and a blanket with you and lay out the cage and visible treats, he will likely go to his cage then throw the blanket on him so he cant get away.  he will be up high in trees. if his wings wer clipped then look in lower areas.

  5. Place his cage out on the balcony and go out there and call him so he knows where to look for you if he is still around. Place flyers every where because if hes tamed and gets hungry enough he may find the first human he sees to fly to.  

  6. Cockatiels are VERY strong fliers, even with clipped wings.

    If you can still see your bird, grab his cage and set it out where he can see it with plenty of food and water inside.  Keep your eyes on him as long as you can and keep calling.  He is likely very frightened and may not know how to fly all the way DOWN to you.

    If you have lost sight of your bird, put up posters, go door-to-door alerting neighbors.  Continually check with all humane societies, veterinarians, sanctuaries and rescues.  Go join the Yahoo Group 911ParrotAlert - a group that exists solely for reporting lost and found birds.  Your bird will eventually get tired and hungry and land somewhere.  Your job is to find him once he does.  (Oops.  Forgot the link to the 911ParrotAlert group: )

    Go!  And good luck.  Don&#039;t give up!


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