
COD4 prestige question?????????

by  |  earlier

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I'm on the fourth prestige badge on COD4 and was just wondering if anything different happens once you get to the very end of prestige mode?( tenth bage lvl 55 ) Is there anything extra or is it just a case of trying to complete all the challenges?????????

p.s. It's the ps3 I play on and feel free to add me if u wanna game psn id dee4life4444




  1. Nothing is different, other than the badge.

  2. Im a 10th prestige level 55.  You dont get anything but a golden cross badge.  Sorry.......its not worth it unless you are a completionist.  There is not a special reward or any new unlocks.

    Gamertag: III EAGLE1 III

  3. well if you've done all of the prestige then you shouldn't be able to again, right?

  4. I play on the 360 and I don't think anything special happens I think you just stay at level 55 with all the good weapons and perks and you play for fun. But I don't even have COD4 anymore and I never got to that prestige eithier, so what do I know?

  5. nope nothing left just um .... prestige.

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