
COFFEE DRINKERS!! please help?

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Hi coffee drinkers! I enjoy drinking coffee, but this summer i would like to begin drinking ICED coffee. There is a local starbucks that just opened that i would like to try out. Can anyone tell me how to order an iced coffee? no latte, just plain brew. also, once i order the iced coffee, can i put in a packet of sugar? will it dissolve? and what is the difference between putting milk, creamer, and half&half? I know they all make your coffee change color, but as far as taste and purpose... can anyone elaborate? thanks all




  1. I get this all the time. Ask for an iced coffee. Don't forget to mention what size, b ut if you do, they'll ask you. You can ask them to put the sweetener in for you, or do it yourself. Go VERY easy on milk, 1/2&1/2 or cream. It can get a bit gloppy. You may have to experiment with a few variations of milk or whatever. What I order is, "Grande' Iced Coffee with 2 Equals". Then I put in a touch of milk myself. Have fun!

  2. I personally don't drink coffee, just chai tea from starbucks....  It will obviously taste better if they add the sugar you want to the hot coffee...If you want to cut the acidity, and give it a mellow taste without making it heavy, ask for non-fat milk.

  3. I'm a starbucks addict i sure can help you.

    how you order an iced coffee is just say iced before the drink name

    example if you want a white mocha just say "iced white mocha" and they make it however you like it. i love their iced coffee and i am sure you will like it too


  4. At Starbucks, I think to order an iced coffee you ask for just that.  

    You could ask them to put the sugar in it for you, so it'll dissolve with the hot coffee.  

    So the difference between dairy products?  Fat content and taste.  Half & Half is going to have a little bit  more taste than plain milk since it's "heavier".  If that makes sense.

  5. I am an assistant manager for Starbucks...

    You order a Iced __(size)__ coffee.

    We have a syrup (called Classic) we use to sweeten it, or you can try vanilla or something.  Sugar won't dissolve well.

    half and half is very thick and creamy

    whole milk is a good half way point between half and half and non-fat (aka skim milk)

    Non-fat/skim is very watery

    Just ask questions.  We don't mind helping you figure what exactly you want!

  6. well i work at Starbucks, just ask them for a sweetened iced coffee. they will add classic syrup which is pretty much like liquid sugar. its good. or you can just ask them to substitute a different flavor instead of classic. try caramel or vanilla. they shouldn't charge you extra, if they do, then they are stupid. and you can add your own milk at the condiment bar. or just ask them for room for cream.

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