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LISTEN: IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO POST A SERIOUS REPLY, THEN CLICK BACK NOW.'s the situation...I've filled out the FAFSA months ago, and I've also applied for scholarships- I got none.

I graduated with a 3.41 GPA, in May- and i applied for UNLV after i graduated. I was accepted, and soon they received my FAFSA to determine my aid eligibility.

I moved away from home (maryland), to live here in Las Vegas. I recently registered for classes, got a room assignment, got my first-semester bill, and recieved my aid-offer letter. I was offered the following three choices:

Work Study: $2,500

Federal Subsidized Loan: $1,050

Student (PLUS) Loan: $10,065

here's the thing, though:

my tuition payment (due August 22) is $12,026.50

that means, that the best choice for me would be to accept the PLUS loan, but I can only do that if my parents cosign.

...but beacuse my parents have signed a housing contract (they just bought a lot, and are building a house), they can't cosign for the PLUS loan, or any other loan- even a private one.

I asked my financial aid department about payment plans, and i was told that i could pay $2,450.30 at the first of every month, for the next five months...reducing my tuition payments into five payments.

...that's not a problem, but i can't make $2,045.30 in a month. I've been proactively looking for a job (an entry level, professional job.), however, it's difficult for companies to take me seriously because of my age (i graduated at 17).

so i need help, suggestions...SOMETHING! my bill deadline is approaching quickly, and if I can't pay it, then i can't go to school. i don't have a support system to help me, and i'm running out of ideas.




  1. Did you check if you got any federal grants (money that doesn't need to be paid back), I believe its called a Pell grant, next did you check with the school to see if they have any private scholarships, that you could apply to through the school.

    Next I would triple confirm with your folks if they can't co-sign, do you have a family member or a good family friend, a pastor, that may be willing to co-sign.  If you find someone like this, you can work the next year in building your credit and working hard so you can try and get your own personal loan next year.

    You may also have to prepare yourself to make the tough decision and maybe delay UNLV this year, and attend community college, until you can get your fiances straighted out.  I know its tough to hear but it may be your only choice, right now.  

    I will keep looking, but good luck.  

  2. It sounds like you are being charged out-of-state tuition.  Most community colleges and state schools are a tenth of this cost.  Find a school you can afford and attend there.

    Community colleges can cost less than 1,200 a semster!!  If you have to go back home to Maryland then do it.  Don't make the wrong decision here and have it effect the rest of your life wondering what could have been.

  3. For a student to finance his educational costs had never been as easier as it is now. Earlier on if you or your family could not support the educational costs then there was no hope of continuing studies. But now the student loans have changed the entire scenario. You will now do not have to worry but to make your mind to reach your goal. These loans will help you to get what you want in each and every step.If you want to adopt these loans for your higher studies than the amount required will be bigger. However, based on the type of the course the expenses vary and on this basis you can choose to pick either the secured or the unsecured loans. Keep your valuable asset as security and get the secured loans. Amount offered is higher in it.

    For the unsecured no collateral is required and the amount offered is small. So, it is essential to calculate the total requirement of finance for picking the right loan.Such loans will not let you spend extra money while you pursue the course. Right from the admission in college to habitation, buying study materials, foods, travel expenses, medical expenses and classroom projects are being financed by it. So, there is no scope for the student to think or to take tension about all those things.For repaying it too you will not have to bother much. As soon as the course gets completed you can start repaying the loan. If not that you can repay the loan after getting a job too. The rate of interest too is kept very small in it.

  4. Goodness gracious, I feel ya man, I'm somewhat in the same situation, Bush done screwed us all over. All I can say is have you thought about doing a community college in the area? And in the meantime you can work like a slave to possibly go to UNLV in spring. I know this is the college you want to go to and you still can but I'd try UNLV later and get my pre-reqs out of the way for a cheaper price and take all major classes @ UNLV (trust me on this one, I got sick of community college and I just HAD to go to some big university and now I'm struggling) probably not what you wanted to hear but I'm just being realistic, scholarships are a joke and financial aid can't even pay for room & board so good luck with that :)

  5. That's a tough one. I am going to college right now and know how poorly set up the system is.

    Your best bet is to some how find a way to get that loan. Use any and all connections you can-- even if it is your great great aunt who you haven't seen since you were 3 years old.

    Second option would be to work your way through school.  Take the min amount of credits (usually 12) or even go part time if you have to.  It may be tempting to try and push yourself to work as much as possible with a full coarse load, but its not worth it if your grades suffer.

    Also as a side note, living on campus can be a great experience but a costly one.  If they make you pay all housing costs at once upfront then you may want to find cheep housing within biking distance from campus where you can pay monthly.

  6. Ooh that sucks, this is probably something you should have figured out before going to college. Try the lottery, jk. Are there any other bank loans you could get. Why exactly can't your parents co-sign, because of their debt? Could you get grandparents or somebody else to co-sign for a loan, or if you really had to, you could borrow money from well-off someone you know, make sure you eventually pay them back though, or they will definetly hate you. And get working on getting that job, from the sound of it, you're going to need it

  7. You would be nuts to borrow that kind of money for UNLV. Have you given any thought to how you are going to pay it back? Harvard might be worth those loans but even then....but UNLV is unlikely to produce the kid of job where you can pay back what you'll owe.

    I'd be running back to Maryland for a state school you can afford.

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